Keith ran around the castle dodging guards left and right, it was really difficult and tiring due to the fact there were so many.  "oh my god, how many of these are you!?" Keith yelled out dropping to his knees.

"There's no more running for you now, or the rest of you little crew," the Galra said ominously, Keith looked around noticing Lance, Shiro, Allura, Pidge, and Hunk all being dragged onto the main Galra ship.  Keith looked back to the Galra, his eyes widened "What are you planning?" The Galra troop didn't respond, he started to drag Keith onto the ship with the rest of the Palidons. He didn't seem too worried about this whole situation, I mean it was scary and all but. 

Shiro looked over to Keith as he entered the ship, the Galra had put restraints around all the paladin's wrists chaining them to the walls, their hands up and over their heads making them stand up straight. 

"this sucks," Pidge said looking down at the ground with an unamused facial secretion, shirp started to look around trying to see if there was any way out of the room, "you know we're basically trapped here right" Keith blurted out. All of the paladins looked over to Keith confused. 

"what do you mean?" Shiro asked looking concerned, Keith didn't say anything he just stayed silent.  soon after Keith says that a Galra walked up to their cell and then points at Keith, Keith looked up the restraints around his wrist detached leaving red marks. "wait Keith what are you doing!?" Shiro yelled with worry. Keith looked back "ill be fine, at least I hope I will.." Shiro started at Keith as he walked out of the cell, gun pointed to his back. Keith hesitated standing right in front of the cell and looking at the Galra, "move along" Galra yelled but not in English. 

The paladins tried to say something but a shot was fired, "you speak, you die" The Galra said with a harsh tone. Keith looked back seeing the worried and shocked expressions on everyone's faces, Keith has a sense of worry and wanted to do something so badly but knew it wouldn't work. 

A few minutes passed and they finally made it to the room Keith was being brought to, Keith entered being pushed in by the Galra troop, Keith looked up staring at the Galra Keith snarled. The Galra tried to hit Keith up before he could he was stopped. "that's enough" a voice yelled, Keith looked over to the person to see that it was Lotor. "you better get going before I fire you!" Lotor yelled. The Galra nodded and left. 

Keith got up from the floor, walking over to Lotor who was staring out the window, "A-are you ok." Keith asked looking worried, Lotor hesitated

 "I never wanted this to happen this way, I thought we still had time" Keith was confused not knowing what to do, so he just stood there.  a few moments of silence later and Keith cautiously approached Lotor, concern evident in his eyes. 

He wasn't sure how to respond to Lotor's words, but he wanted to understand what was happening. Taking a deep breath, Keith spoke softly, "Lotor, I don't understand. What happened?"

Lotor turned his gaze from the window and met Keith's eyes. There was a mix of regret and sadness in his expression. "Keith, I... I had hoped to find a way to prevent all of this. I never wanted you to be caught up in the middle of it. But circumstances have forced my hand."

Keith's confusion deepened. "What circumstances? What are you talking about, Lotor?"

Lotor sighed heavily"The Galra Empire.. They have plans, plans that involve you. They think that by capturing you, they can gain control over the powerful forces at play. I tried to intervene, to protect you, but I couldn't stop them from bringing you here."

Keith's eyes widened in realization. "So... you're against your own people? Against the Galra Empire?"

Lotor nodded. "Yes, Keith. I've seen the darkness within my own family,  I couldn't stand by while they used you as a pawn in their games. I wanted to find a different way, a peaceful solution, but time ran out."

Keith's concern for Lotor grew, and he took a step closer, reaching out and raping his arms around Lotor's arm gently. "Lotor, I... I didn't know." 

Lotor's gaze softened as he looked at Keith clinging onto him, He placed his hand on Keith's head brushing his fingers through Keith's fluffy hair. "so~" Lotor looked down at Keith pushing his brown up and down.

keith's face turned from worried to real in a matter of seconds "Are you serious" Keith ouch himself off of Lotor "In your dreams" Keith walked over to the bed before jumping on it face first into the pile of pillows. Lotor watched Keith before jumping on him. "omg you are so heavy I can't breathe, blah" Kieith said dramatically.  

Lotor rapd his arms around Keith tight enough so he couldn't get out, "oh god, Lotor" Keith said looking at Lotor cling onto him, Lotor slowly drifted off to sleep, Keith soon after.

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