Mirthful Messiahs!

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Your P.O.V.

Pain. It clouded your vision and made your limbs feel almost numb. You groaned, who were you kidding.

Every part of your body ached. Your (b/c) blood, drenched your clothing and (h/l) (h/c) hair.

You sighed closing your eyes to the moonlight. All you wanted to do was sleep. You smiled lightly as the pain began to fade to the darkness of sleep.


Kurloz's P.O.V.

I was walking to the store to get more Faygo. My invertebrother Gamzee had drank the last bottle I had in my hive. I stopped dead in my tracks when my eyes landed on her though.

She was beautiful even though she was covered in (b/c) blood. I leaned closer afraid she was dead. I relaxed when I saw her chest lightly rising and falling.

She was alive, but by the mirthful messiahs not for long.

I carefuly gathered her into my arms. Her delicate frame was covered from head to foot in what must have been her own blood. How she had survived this long I had no idea.

**Time Skip To Where Kurloz Has Taken You To His Home**

Your P.O.V.

You opened your (e/c) eyes. The room was dark, or maybe it wasnt a room at all. You felt like you were floating caught between a dream and reality. Wherever you were you knew you were safe.

You glanced around the room noticeing the purple painted walls and light flittering through the window for the first time since you had awoken.

"Where am I?" You wondered aloud, not seeing the tall troll dressed as a skeleton asleep in a chair not far from where you had awoke. His head shot up at the sound of your voice but your weary eyes closed once more as your coniousness slipped.

Kurloz's P.O.V.

I sighed as she fell back against the pillows clearly passed out again. I stood wandering over to her to check her bandages again. I dont know how meany times I woke up in the middle of the day hopeing to see her healed only to be disapointed at how slow her progress was.

I smiled to myself as I changed her banages. This was the closest I was able to get to her. I engoyed every minute I spent unraveling her bangages which by now were of course soaked in blood. Rewinding the new ones around her lithe body.

She winced crying out in her sleep drawing my eyes to her beautiful face. Sure she was only a (b/c) blood but she was the most beautiful creature I had met. She was even better looking than Meulin. I cupped her cheek gently as i tied off the bandages. Her muscles were tense and she leaned away from my touch.

What was I doing wrong?

Did she not trust me like Meulin did. Probably not. I critizied myself for dareing to touch her like a Matesprit when she didnt even know me.

I stood up about to leave the room to go and get some water for her, when I felt a hand grasp my wrist. I turned to look at her. She was still fast asleep, her breathing had slowed even more and I panicked. Was she alright? I leaned down pressing an ear to her chest. Her heartbeat was stronger than when I had first found her.

Was she recovering? By the mirthful Messiahs I hoped so. I didnt want this beautiful angel to die on me. Not after I had worked so hard to save her.

Her grip tightened on my wrist and her eyes fluttered open again. When they focused on me my heart leapt. I swore it almost leapt right out of my chest as I stared into the (e/c) depths.

I sat down on the bed again as realization dawned in her eyes. I smiled kindly as she simply stared. "Gamzee?" She whispered.

I shook my head gently signing slowly, "MY NAME IS KURLOZ."

She seemed bewildered for a moment and I felt my heart sink. Had she not understood me?

"Kurloz?" Her voice was sweet, but hearing my name on her lips was even sweeter.


She nodded then winced. I reached up and patted her cheek lightly with my free hand. I wished I could stop her pain entirely. She didn't deserve such pain.

"Kurloz where am I?" She whispered her eyes flicking about the room.

I withdrew my hand with a sigh. I signed slowly, "YOUR IN MY HIVE. YOUR SAFE HERE."

She nodded slowly, letting go of my wrist to push herself up slightly. She whimpered suddenly flopping back onto the bed.

"STAY HERE." I signed placing a hand on her shoulder for emphasis. I stood up again running out of the room to grab her a glass of water.


Your P.O.V.

Your whole body hurt, and that boy Kurloz, you thought his name was, had run off in search of something.

You sighed. You didnt know this man, but here he was, trying to save your life and offer you comfort. maybe it wouldnt be so bad to have him as a moirail. You shook your head at the thought. No the last person you trusted as a moirail nearly killed you.

You had even considered becoming matesprits before that. Not now, not after what he had done to you.

You glanced over at the sound of nearly silent footsteps running into the room again. Kurloz had returned holding a glass half filled with water and a cute purple curly straw. that made you smile somewhat. Kurloz was very thoughtful for you.

"Thank you Kurloz." He smiled the fine black stiches over his mouth tightening. "By the way my name is (y/n)."

He passed you the glass and signed to you slowly enough that you could understand, "ITS A WONDERFUL NAME SIS."

This caused you to share his smile, despite how much it hurt.

"Why did you save me Kurloz?" The question seemed to suprise you both but it had just slipped from your mouth. You didnt even know why you asked it.

Kurloz just shook his head insisting that your drink and get some more rest. Obeying the silent highblood you drank the water and curled up into the silky soft sheets.

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