Chapter 6

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"Richard, I've told you countless times that this vase is not meant to be placed on the surface!" Aliza exclaimed, frustration evident in her voice as she struggled to carry the boxes.

"Jesus, Aliza! How am I supposed to carry this fucking vase of yours when both of my fucking hands are occupied by your unnecessary books?" Richard grumbled, his frustration evident as he struggled to balance the books that were almost double the size of him.

His tone was laced with annoyance, and he couldn't help but feel overwhelmed by the weight of the books he was carrying. Richard's exasperation was understandable, as he found himself in a challenging situation, trying to manage the vase while juggling the large stack of books.

"I don't give a damn about your excuses! If anything happens to my precious vase, you better be prepared to face the consequences," Aliza declared firmly, her tone filled with seriousness as she placed the box on a nearby table.

"Damn it, Aliza, stop talking and help me place these books of yours, or your so-called precious vase is going to be broken forever," Richard retorted, his frustration evident as he struggled to manage the jingling stack of books.

"What would you do without me?" Aliza sighed as she looked up from her work, her tone a mix of teasing and affectionate.

Richard chuckled, knowing well the truth behind Aliza's playful remark. "I'd be lost, that's for sure," he replied, a smile tugging at the corners of his lips.

Emma observed the rollercoaster of emotions between Aliza and Richard, and it left her both stunned and amused. One moment, their heated exchange could be mistaken for animosity, but in the next breath, they were back to their normal banter and playful camaraderie.

Emma's mind snapped back to the present as Aliza whistled to get her attention. She blinked, momentarily taken aback by her sister's playful gesture.

"Lost in my thoughts, huh?" Emma chuckled, feeling a smile tug at the corners of her lips.

"You know me too well, sis."

Aliza grinned, the playfulness in her eyes matching her smirk. "Always, babygirl," she teased affectionately.

Emma was overjoyed to see Aliza's old self coming back, slowly but surely, after the ordeal of the Jonathan case. Her sister's resilience and strength were evident as she started to regain her footing and embrace life once more. It was a relief for Emma to witness the positive changes in Aliza, knowing that she was healing from the pain and trauma they had both endured.

Furthermore, their mother's condition was improving day by day, and Emma felt a weight lifted from her shoulders. The tension that had gripped her for so long began to dissipate as she saw her mother's health gradually getting better.

"Talking about me?" Richard chimed in, a mischievous grin on his face as he jumped into their conversation.

Emma and Aliza exchanged amused glances, knowing that Richard had caught them in the act of discussing something - probably about him. His playful nature was infectious, and they couldn't help but be drawn into his lightheartedness.

"Caught red-handed, I see," Aliza teased, giving Richard a playful nudge.

Richard laughed, his eyes sparkling with humor. "Well, I'm always the center of attention, right?" he joked. The trio found themselves laughing, caught in the delightful web of Richard's humor. His infectious laughter echoed through the room, lifting their spirits and filling the space with joy. Aliza couldn't resist playfully rolling her eyes at Richard's exaggerated self-praise.

"Center of attention? More like the center of chaos!" Aliza teased, poking fun at Richard's antics.

Richard mockingly clutched his chest in mock offense. "Ouch, that hurt!" he exclaimed dramatically, earning another round of laughter from the sisters.

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