Chapter 3

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Emma stirred as the soft morning light filtered through her bedroom window. She stretched her limbs, relishing the comforting sensation that gently awakened her senses. With a determined focus, she embarked on her morning routine, a ritual that set the tone for the day ahead.

Emma made her way to the kitchen, where the enticing aroma of freshly brewed coffee enveloped the room. As she sipped her favorite blend, the rich flavor danced on her taste buds, offering a moment of tranquil indulgence.

Energized by the caffeine, Emma moved to her small home office, a space filled with books, research papers, and the tools of her trade. She carefully reviewed her schedule for the day, ensuring she was prepared for the patients she would encounter at the hospital.

Next came a visit to her personal sanctuary, a corner of her bedroom adorned with plants, soft lighting, and a plush meditation cushion. Emma settled onto the cushion, closing her eyes as she focused on her breath. In the stillness, she allowed her mind to settle, inviting a sense of calm and clarity to wash over her.

After her meditation practice, Emma turned her attention to physical well-being. She engaged in a series of gentle stretches and yoga poses, feeling the connection between mind and body grow stronger with each deliberate movement. The rhythm of her breath synced with the flow of her body, creating a harmonious synergy within.

With her body awakened and her mind centered, Emma continued her routine with self-care. She luxuriated in a refreshing shower, letting the warm water cascade over her, washing away any lingering traces of sleep. A few drops of her favorite essential oil were added to the water, creating a soothing and invigorating sensory experience.

Dressed in professional attire, Emma returned to the kitchen, preparing a nourishing breakfast. She selected a variety of fresh fruits, whole grains, and a cup of herbal tea, mindful of nourishing her body with wholesome ingredients. Each bite was savored, a moment of gratitude for the nourishment that would sustain her throughout the day.

Emma took a final moment to stand before a small mirror, looking into her own eyes. With a gentle smile, she affirmed herself, reciting a positive mantra to set her intentions for the day.

Just as Emma was about to leave her apartment, her phone rang, interrupting her thoughts. She glanced at the screen, her brows furrowing with confusion as she saw her younger sister Aliza's name flashing across it.

"Why is she calling me? She hardly calls me?" As Emma though.

"Hel-, " Emma was about to say hello when she heard Aliza sob.

"Aliza, what's wrong? Why are you crying?" Emma's voice trembled with worry as she tried to make sense of her sister's distress.

Through sobs and hiccups, Aliza managed to convey the devastating news. "Emma, it's Mom. She was in a car accident. It's bad... really bad. The doctors say she's badly injured, and they need you here in our hometown village. Please, Emma, I need you."

Emma's mind raced, her heart ached at the thought of her mother's pain, the urgency of the situation pulling at her. She knew that her presence was required, not just as a daughter, but as a source of strength and support for her family.

"Aliza, I'll be there. I'll make arrangements to leave immediately. Stay strong, and tell Hospital Authorities that I'm on my way." Emma said.

Aliza's tearful gratitude was palpable as she expressed her relief. "Thank you, Emma. Please hurry. We need you now more than ever."

With a heavy heart, Emma hung up the phone, her mind consumed by a mix of emotions. The once certain path ahead now diverged, with her professional duties temporarily taking a backseat to the urgent needs of her family.

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