Babysitting....sort of

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The collector decided to stay with Eda, and the rest of them but Eda has to go out and Luz is in charge of watching him and king

"Are you sure you can handle it?" Eda said as she crossed her arms "they're both kind of a lot" she winced at King and the collector as the ran around the room chasing each other

"We'll be fine" I say but then king nocked over a glass vase and broke it "sorry!" He yelled

"I-" Eda went to say but she was cut off by Raine
"Come on Eda, you know Darius isn't a very patient person" Eda sighed loud "ok kiddo if you need anything just call me ok?"  I nodded "ok"

Eda started to leave but pulled me into a hug "just be careful, don't let their powers get to out of hand" I hugged her back "I won't" I pulled away and pushed her out the door "now go before Darius kicks your ass" I chuckled "ok,ok, bye kiddo, love you"

My eyes widened she left before she had time to react but I just smiled "I love you too owl lady" I whispered underneath my breath

Collector breaks another vase, I tense up a bit "we'll be fine" I said as I released my shoulders

After one game of hide-n-seek, and 2 more broken vases later I was tired and they still had a lot left in them I collapsed to the floor out of breath

"Hoot hi Luz,watcha doing in the floor" Hooty asked I rolled over to face the ceiling I brought my hands to cover up my face "I'm so tried"

"Maybe we should call Eda-" hooty said "NO!" I yelled a bit to loud and sat up, he jumped back a bit "sorry hooty, I just want Eda to think I can handle it"

"I know, hoot but you might want to call one of your friends to help you at least" just then the collector ran in king followed after him he looked a bit tired "Luz! You should invite Amity over! Then we could have twice the fun!" I looked at Hooty then back at the collector and laid back down "uhg, I'll see if she's busy" as I put my face in the ground

And 15 minutes later Amity was over I opened the door to let her in and she hugged me "heyyy, how's it going so far?" I sighed and rested my head on her shoulder "3 games of hid and seek, I couldn't find them 4/3 of the times and 4 broken vases" I lifted my head to look at her but then another vases broke "Sorry" I sighed again even harder "5" Amity pulled me into another hug "ohh" she giggled "it's ok" she stroked her hands threw my hair I melted into her touch she held me closer "thank you" we hugged for a minute but then I felt a tug on my shirt that pulled me away from her "no lovey dovey stuff" the collector said he pulled me away from Amity and hugged her

He always kinda had a better connection with Amity then me sense she's so good with kids, I smiled and went to go find king

Me and Amity each took a kid and played with them for the day however the collector wouldn't let us hug for the rest of the day

"Why can't I hug my girlfriend?" I said in a whiny voice "because your gross" he said as he crossed his arms "what?" We both said "your all sweaty and hot and tired and Amity doesn't deserve that"  he pushed me back more

We both looked at each more confused "oh ok?" I said king called my name so I went to see what he wanted Amity tried to give me a quick kiss but the collector pushed her away "no, come on amity" he grabbed her hand and pulled her up stairs while I went to play with king

Amity's pov:
The collector took us up stairs and we sat on Luz's bed

"Do you wanna play with king" I looked out cracked door, the collector looked at me and grimaced "you just wanna hang out with Luz, why do you even like her?" I looked back at him "I just do..... she's one of the nicest people I've ever met and she the kinda person I want to be and be with, she's lovely" the collector just looked confused "why? she sweats? And smells gross and only after 5 hours of playing!" I chuckled lightly at him "you gotta learn to take the good with the bad kid" I patted his head

"I don't get it" He crossed his arms "you might some day" I smiled at him Luz and king ran into the room and hopped on the bed with us, Luz laid down next to me

"Oook I think it's time for a nap" Luz said she picked up king and threw him up in the air, then caught him before he could hit the floor "weh" he laughed

"Definitely" I said, I laid my back across Luz's stomach and stretched out a bit

The collector and king laid down too and eventually fell asleep while me and Luz where still awake. I sat up, grabbed her hand, and pulled her out the door "where are we going?" She asked "just to the living room I wanna cuddle somewhere where we can be messed with" I saw a slight blush creep on to her cheeks as we continued to walk

We got into the living and I pulled her in for a tight hug "ugh I missed you" she hugged me back as she smiled, titan I loved her smile, "I did too"

My hand slid down to her waist as I kissed her passionately "missed me that much?" She said into the kiss 

I pulled away "a little" I kissed her again only longer "oh titan I love you" I said, she put our foreheads together this made our noise touch "I love you too" she grabbed my hand and brought me over to the couch and pushed me on it

She got on top of me and I kissed her again, her hand slid up and down my sides I groaned a bit.
Her hands went up my shirt and they rested on my stomach for a minute as we continued our kiss. Eventually, she wrapped her arms around my waist and laid on me.
we both felt a wave of tiredness rush over us, I gave her one more kiss on the forehead before we drifted off into sleep.

Third person pov:

The collector slowly woke up, as he rubbed his eyes. "Amity? Luz?" He said but not to loud that he woke up King. We went down stairs to see them cuddling on the couch, Luz's head was rested on the armrest while Amity's laid on Luz's chest, they both held each other tightly

The collector watched them both as their chests slowly rise and fell "I think I get it now" he said as he found a blanket and pulled it over them

They went back up stairs and laid back down with king by their side slowly drifting off to sleep again.

School is gonna make me Kms, not actually but i hate it so much I have ZERO classes with any of my friends and I'm gonna cry anyway have a good day/night/ evening <3
Art by: @danaterrace on Instagram
Words: 1273

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