Prologue: Defective

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Professor Ayanokouji POV:

Professor Ayanokouji sat in his office, patiently waiting for some test results and reports. He drummed his fingers on his desk in anticipation, impatient, and nervousness. These reports will determine his son's future and problems. A few minutes later, there was a knock at the office door.

"Come in." he responded.

A man with a white lab coat came in holding a file folder. He placed it on Professor Ayanokouji's desk before leaving immediately. Professor Ayanokouji hesitated for a moment and picked it up. The two papers that he read were test results from a well-known doctor and psychiatrist. The doctor has stated that there is nothing wrong with Ayanokouji's physical health. Ayanokouji was in peak condition and healthy with no illness. The second paper made Professor Ayanokouji's blood freeze over and he was overwhelmed with disappointment. The psychiatrist stated that Ayanokouji has symptoms and is diagnosed with dissociative identity disorder. The psychiatrist needed more time to talk to Ayanokouji and figure out how many identities Ayanokouji have and how it affects his training in the White Room.

Professor Ayanokouji felt a fury of emotions: disappointment, frustration, and annoyance. Emotions that he haven't felt for a long time, something that contradicts with this man's cold and calm demeanor. He decided to call the psychiatrist.

"Hello, Professor Ayanokouji." said the psychiatrist.

"Hello, Doctor. I'm calling about my son and his test results." said Professor Ayanokouji.

"Ah... The patient has been diagnosed, but I still need to run some tests and experiments on him. I need more time to see which type of identities he have. I request that he spend two weeks out of the White Room training."

"I approve. Send me the results after the examination is complete."


**Timeskip (2 weeks later)**

Professor Ayanokouji was impatiently waiting for the test results from the psychiatrist. The psychiatrist arrived personally to deliver the test results and answer any questions that Professor Ayanokouji might have. Professor Ayanokouji picked up the papers and began to read them. A few minutes has passed and Professor Ayanokouji set them down.

"Are these results accurate?" asked Professor Ayanokouji.

"Very accurate. It was confirmed by me and my team." said the psychiatrist.

The papers set on the table were the known identities of Ayanokouji. There was a brief description on  the identities.

Patient: Ayanokouji Kiyotaka

Disorder: Dissociative Identity

The patient have dissociative identity due to the stress and intense training of the White Room. Multiple identities or personalities are developed as a result. Down below is the list and description of all the known identities that Kiyotaka has.

1) Normalkouji

Kiyotaka's normal identity. The patient still has his normal apathetic face with no changes. This is the patient's original personality. The patient acts like a normal boy.

2) Hornikouji

Kiyotaka's sexual drive identity. The patient's identity has changed from to an apathetic and normal boy to a hormonal and sexual-charged teenage boy. The patient constantly flirts with girls and women in quick succession. The patient also make sexual advances and jokes.

Dissociative Identity AyanokoujiWhere stories live. Discover now