Chapter Five

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I was so nervous to see River today after last night, I was definitely not prepared for this.

I made my way to work and parked and made my way to the front door and I noticed River outside on her phone seeming to be in a heated conversation and I saw the lit cigarette between her fingers.

I tried to ignore her and rush inside but she caught me and told the person she was on the phone with to hold.

"Caitlyn, head to my office, we need to speak" she told me then went straight back to her phone call. Yeah this is going to be awkward.

I walked into her office to smell the highly scented perfume or spray, whatever she had on was so nice to smell. I paced nervously and played with my fingers as my thoughts drifted to where these fingers were hours ago and I put them to my side as the door opened and she walked in and motioned for me to sit down.

"So I have business out of town for a couple days so I need you to handle business here" she told me and I was not expecting her to start with that but I nodded my head.

"Oh, yeah sure, but if it's business related wouldn't you need me there?" I asked to see if she would take the hint but she shook her head to my question.

"No, it's a family matter but I trust you to run this place for me, I'll leave a list of what I need you to do" she told me and grabbed a list and I realised that she needed to go now.

"So here is the list, you can call me if you have any problems, I really need to get going" she told me and I nodded.

"Yes, of course, you can count on me" I told her and she thanked me and left the office, leaving me in charge, this can't go that bad right.

So through my day, I had to reply to several emails which had me constantly running back and fourth through the building trying to find the source to reply back to. I had to switch all paper files to digital which is taking me forever and might last till the end of the week but that's all I did and had no reason to call River.

Before I went home though, I decided on calling a one night stand but River invaded my thoughts.

"We aren't even together and she always asks so it's no issue right" I said out loud and decided  to call my usual and texted Damon to come to mine tonight. I tidied up the office and headed home.

I showered and prepared a quick meal for myself and let it settle as the door knocked and I saw Damon walk in and come to the kitchen. I smiled at him and offered him a beer as I sipped my wine.

"Didn't expect you to call?" he asked as he twisted the cap of and took a sip.

"I don't know why either" I said honestly and he grabbed my hand and led me to the lounge and we sat next to each other as he put his arm around me. Damon and I have a weird relationship, we do fuck a lot but before all this we did date in high school and university but remained as friends but one stupid party led to us having sex again but we didn't want to make it anything so we agreed on friends with benefits.

"What's going on with you girl?" he asked and put his beer down giving me his full attention.

"I think I like my boss, like really like, we kissed yesterday and she ran out on me and then I fingered myself to her and I'm so horny but I feel like if I have sex, I'm doing her dirty" I told him and he smiled and then laughed at me making me hit him.

"Ok, sorry, you aren't dating so it's not cheating, does she like you?" he asked and I thought but then remembered our kiss and the way she took control and grabbed my ass, I nodded to him.

"But it's wrong because she's your boss?" he asked and I nodded, "I don't know what to tell you, quit and find another job to date her" he said and I hit him again.

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