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Stormy Weather

"Welcome to the finals of our KIDZ+ competition! When today, one lucky winner will be announced as our brand new KIDZ+ weather girl! We started off with 5000 contestants. But with the help of our audience at home, we whittled our talent down to just these two amazing young ladies! So, let's welcome our fantastic finalists! To my right, Aurore Beauréal, and to my left, Mireille Caquet! Who will be the lucky winner? Vote now! Text 1 for Aurore and 2 for Mireille. And remember, standard text messaging rates apply."

Me and my mom sat on the couch together, blanket over out legs and snacks in out hands, we watched the TV with excitement, "Who do you think is going to win." My mom shrugged, "It's anyone's game. They both have a great charisma to them, but it's on two different spectrums. Aurore is the type to gain an audience with her good looks and fun personality, but keeping that image up will be hard, as for Mirielle her soft approach warms the heart and is easy to maintain, but some energy will be needed to up the viewing."

I chuckled, "You really know your stuff." She shrugs, "I'm in the industry, this is the kind of stuff you need to know if you really want to capture an audience. Maybe I can teach you some more about it sometime." I smiled, "I'd like that." She smiled in return and we continued to watch.

Well, until my mom spoke up again, "So, how's that boyfriend of yours, is he treating you right, shared your first kiss yet, or -" I threw a pillow in her direction, "Mom!" I whined, "Stop." She laughed, "I just want to know. I don't see you that much, so I have to stock up on this stuff. I buried my hands in my face, "Nothing happened yet."


I sighed, "Nothing happened yet. I just confessed, but he didn't really say anything back. So now I'm just waiting." My mom hummed in thought, "Well, that's an asshole move." "Mom!" I yell again. She laughed, "I'm not lying. He just seems like the person to flirt and have no commitment." I sighed, "You might be right." My mom then hugged me, "But maybe I'm wrong."

A few minutes into the program I get a text from Adrien. He was saying his photographer was hinting at maybe having a female model for the photoshoot. He then asked if I would be down to do it since I have done it before. I asked my mom to see if it was okay and she shrugged, "Fine by me, gives me more time to perfect my tinder profile." I gave her a look but it seem to not faze her, "Hey, you are getting a boyfriend, why can't I. Besides, it's been a while, and I'm ready to go back out into the dating scene." I rolled my eyes, "Whatever, I'll see you for dinner?" She saluted, "Will be here." I smiled and headed out towards the park.

When I arrived I was surprised to not only see Adrien, but also Alya and Marinette hiding behind a tree with a little girl in between them. Grinning to myself, I walked up behind them, and placed my hand on their shoulders. "Whatchya doing."

The two jumped and the little one squealed. Marinette was first to respond, "Oh we were just, just..." "She's trying to figure out a way to approach Adrien without looking like a total stalker." I laughed, "Yes and hiding behind a tree is much better."

Marinette stood taller as if she had a new idea. "Okay, we'll stroll over there, real cool, as if we just happened to be passing by." Alya smirked, "Then what?" Marinette grinned, determination written all over her face, "Then, I'll invite him for a smoothie after the shoot." Though her determination became more of delusion, "Then, we'll get married! Live happily ever after in a beautiful house and have two kids? No, three. And a dog! Maybe a cat? Nah, forget the cat. A hamster! I love hamsters!"

I put a hand on her shoulder, "How about we calm down first." She took a breath a smiled. Alya leaned against the tree, " We'll start with just passing by, and see if we can get to that smoothie." Marinette nodded, but still sheepishly rubbed the back of her neck.

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