Ch 2: Attack And Identity Revealed

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----This Chapter is written by Void-King----


Two days had passed since Ichigo left, and since then Rimuru had no idea what had happened in Soul Society.

Everything was under control except for...

"Pervert, leave this house now!"

"You, I brought you here since I saw you on the road, and you're not even gonna thank me?"


Nozomi and Kon had been arguing for about 10 minutes now, and Rimuru had enough of that, so he decided to go out for a bit.

"Nozomi, Kon, I'll go out for a bit. Is there anything you two would like me to buy?" Rimuru asked.

"Then I'll have that thing called Soda," Nozomi said.

"Then I'll have a..."

"Alright, I know what you want, Kon. I'll be back in a few hours," Rimuru said and walked towards the door.

"Kon, don't let anyone take Nozomi without my permission," Rimuru said before walking outside.

While walking outside, he could hear Kon continuing his facade.


Night had fallen, and Rimuru had yet to return. By that time, when Rimuru was out of the house, someone came to his house.

*Ding Dong*

"I'm coming!" Kon, who was in Ichigo's body, rushed off to see who that was.

He was expecting Rimuru, who had left the house, but once he opened the door, he was greeted by three individuals.

Two of whom were familiar to him because those two were Lieutenants from soul Society, but the other one he didn't know.

"Who might you be?"

"I take it you are Korosaki Ichigo-san's soul pill?"

"I see you've heard of me, huh? Aren't you guys---"

"We are here from Seireitei."

"We understand that you have a Shinigami named Kujo Nozomi here and have come to take her into our care."

"Kujo Nozomi? Take her into care?"

Kon remembered the words of Rimuru, or more specifically, his orders to him, "don't let anyone take Nozomi without my permission."

"Ahh, sorry, but there's no one named Nozomi here."

"Playing a fool won't help. Where is she?"

"Nozomi, run! Get out of here!" Kon yelled, and Nozomi, who was on the second floor of the house, heard it and immediately ran off.

The three heard a noise from upstairs and immediately ran off to where Nozomi was, but before they could arrive, she was already gone.

"She escaped!" the two used Shunpo to chase Nozomi.

"This is bad, bad, bad, bad," Kon took off running and chased after Nozomi.


Meanwhile, Rimuru was walking on the street.

"My arms hurt. I didn't expect those punks to chase me all day long. That Ichigo should have chosen his enemies. Even I'm getting dragged into his problems."

You might be asking what happened to Rimuru. Well, to make it simple, he had been chased all over the place, and that left Rimuru no choice but to fight them all.

On his way, he saw a person with spiky orange hair.

"Huh, isn't that Kon?"

Rimuru looked ahead and saw that Nozomi was being chased by two Shinigami.

"What in the world?"

Rimuru was confused, but he ran off to where Nozomi and the two Shinigami were going.

He took out Tempest since he had a feeling that he would need it.


Nozomi ran off to an abandoned factory after she lost the two Shinigami who were chasing her.

She stopped running to catch her breath and looked at her surroundings.

"Hey, are you alright?"

Kon was running towards Nozomi, but before he could reach her, he was struck by three lights that sealed his movement.

"You struggling is in vain. Did you truly think you could escape me?"

Nozomi was frightened by the person who was in front of her.

The person tried to make her lose consciousness by using his silver cane to strike the girl's abdomen, but a light arrow interrupted him.

"I won't move if I were you," a man with glasses appeared, and he was holding a bow made of light.

"Forcing a girl to go with you against her will isn't what I'd call good behavior."

"Your Uryu Ishida," Kon said while Nozomi was also being cornered by the other two Soul Reapers.

"Hadou #4: Byakurai!" a lightning bolt appeared from the guy's cane and went towards Uryu, but before the lightning could reach Uryu, he disappeared.

"Hirenkyaku...are you a Quincy? seems that my humble group has attracted considerable interest."

"I am not interested in you, but I'd appreciate you not bringing your quarrels to this town," Uryu said, and a white blast of energy appeared from behind the guy.


"Did we get him?" Chad said as he landed next to Uryu.

"I think so."

"Attacking from behind is rather rude, don't you both think?"

Chad and Uryu looked in the direction of the voice and saw the man standing on top of one of the buildings.

"We don't have much time to play...Fall to madness: Raikuu!" his silver cane transformed into a double-headed voulge with red markings on the blades.

He spun his now released Shinkai, and in an instant, Uryu and Chad were cut, but the injuries were not fatal.

"You both can still draw breath?"

"It's his movement, it's not just that he moves too fast, but the way he did before. It's almost as if the moment he moved, he was phased out of reality," Uryu thought while trying to stop the bleeding of his wounds.

"I do apologize if it seems as if I'm toying with your lives. I will let it end now. Hadou #4 Byakurai."

Once again, lightning came out of the guy's palm and made its way towards Uryu and Chad, but before it could reach them, a yellow energy shielded them.

"Ishida-kun, Sado-kun!" Inoue ran over to her two injured friends.

"Oh, another interesting person appeared..."

Before he could continue his words, the two Shinigami appeared with Nozomi in their hands.

"Let me go!" Nozomi said weakly.

"Sorry, but no can do..."

"If she said to let her go, let her go!" a voice rang out, and in the next instant, Nozomi was in another person's hands.

"And you might be?"

"The name is Rimuru... Korosaki Rimuru."

Rimuru introduced himself while carrying Nozomi in his left hand and holding his black katana in his right.


"Destained Souls" • Rimuru x Nozomi [Tensura x Bleach]Where stories live. Discover now