Jasper im going crazy

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—————— Dream ————
I felt my legs shakily carry me into the white ballroom, my hart pounding in my ears furiously, I looked ahead of myself and could see the three figures, there was a conversation that I could not focus on as my eye contact with the brown haired one became more intense, the contact only broke when a flash of marble body's flung past me in a tangled fight, I stumbled a few steps back avoiding the two figures, the one with the black hair stood and made momentary eye contact with me before snapping out of it, curious to see if the third had the same effect on my hart I looked towards his seat but ti my shock he had already stood and had began to walk towards me in heavy long strides, "caius" the one with the brown hair says standing from his throne, the blond stoped just a few steps away and looked back at the brown haired male, "marcus she is human child, you can't think that we would keep her" caius said with so much hate in his voice that it somehow hurt my hart causing me to hold my had to my chest and a single tear rolled from my eye.

"Enough, your excused from this court but remember we don't give second chances. Take the girl with you and never bring her back to voltera" the black haired one said, " Aro you know she I-" a somewhat familiar voice said "we know, and we don't want some weak human as a mate.
She's worthless to us even if we change her" aro said practically spitting venom.

Just as a hand dragged me by the arm from the room I woke up,
I flinched as I woke up and immediately looked around the car, we had stopped at a gas station and only emmet was in the car, "nightmare again? Anything new yet?" He said turning to face me, "yea I guess so, I got all three of the men's names, the ones from the ball room" i said and he nodded.

"Marcus, aro and caius" i said and emmet seemed to freeze for a second before Rosalie hoped into the car, "morning y/n we'll be there in 20 minutes if you want to freshen up" she said throwing a pack of wipes and some chewing gum into the back seat with me, I happily used the wipes to freshen up, and the gum to replace the fact of we couldn't brush our teeth in the car, Emmet pulled out his phone and began typing silently, rose was busy driving and with only twenty minutes left I laid back down to enjoy the sky pass by the window.

Finally checking into the hotel I couldn't see the other Cullens anywhere i till I heard Jaspers sweet southern accent behind me, "your makeing is dizzy walking back and forth darling, sit down and tell me all about it" he said sitting on the sofa and patting the spot next to him,
"The man from the hause before we left, he's the one from my dream. He had those bright red eyes and that smile" i said shaking my head, "jasper I think I'm going crazy" i said closing my eyes and leaning back into the sofa, just as jasper began to talk again the door to the room slammed open and Bella marched In, "ugh why is it always me!" She huffed, there was a deep silence before Alice popped her head in the door to, "jasper, emmet, rose? Can I talk to you in our room just for a few minutes?" They nodded and left the room promising to be back, Bella huffed and sat down, her phone began to buzz in her pocket and she hurried to answer "mom I'm fi-"..... suddenly the calm ended,Bella shook off her look of terror.

"Y/n that was Edward actually and he wants me to take you to meet for food" she said standing and grabbing her coat and mine on the way, I hurried after her confused but followed her none the less.

We got into the taxi and about 20 minutes later we pulled up to a dance studio, no other person inside as far as I could see, I felt the hair on my back stand up as we walked in.

————/// nobody's pov///———
"Mom I'm fi-" Bella said being cut off mid sentence by James, "your going to come to the dance studio or your mama gets it, bring the other human girl, I have some questions for her" he said before the sounds of Bella's mom in the background broke through, "Bella Bella where are you" is all that was heard before the call was ended, "Y/n that was Edward actually and he wants me to take you to meet for food" Bella said picking up her coat, y/n trailing behind her and soon enough following her into a taxi.

The dance studio was dark and mostly empty giving it an gothic look that scared y/n like an sense of dread,the Cullens had just begun to walk back to the empty room, it would be moments before they even realised Bella had took y/n, "the ballet studio" Alice exclaimed after being pulled from a bloody vision, a singe venom tear running down her features was enough to scare the Cullen family.

————-///y/n POV ///————

"Bella is this the right place" y/n said scared before being pulled into the building by Bella, "shut up y/n" Bella exclaimed and the younger girl shut her mouth out of instinct.
"Well done Bella, this is kinda making me regret the fact of... I'm gunna kill you, we'll not by a lot but I appreciate you bringing my desert" a blond man said stepping out of the shadow, his red eyes piercing my own emerald eyes, "now y/n, my friend Laurent wants to know how you know his name but he didn't know yours?" He said showing a toothy grin, "I-it was a dream I had" i spluttered out scared, as I dared to take a step back the man had suddenly appeared in front of me, I hadn't even blinked and he covered what should of been a few long strides, Bella began to ran but with one swipe she was sent flying to the ground, my gaze followed her and I attempted to move to her side, the man didn't like my idea and held me by my arms slamming me into the mirror behind me, causing it to shatter, "oh how rude I am James, and I'm a vampire" he said before sarcastically dropping me, I hit the pile of glass with a whine, James had begun his slow walk towards Bella, in fear I attempted to scurry away, the glass shards that had stuck to my clothes clattering to the ground as I ran away, James had once again pinned me down and this time the playful smirk was gone,
"You listen here little girl, your dead, even if you make it out of here I will hunt you down till the end of the Earth and squash you like an and under my boot, I'm about to make your death painful and long and when the fire feeling of the venom spreads that's when I'll finally drain you before lighting this place on fire, your death will never be solved.
Just a jane doe for the rest of your life" he said leaning into my ear too close for comfort

Bella was bleeding and knocked out from her fall and I could feel the blood trickling down my body for hundreds of cuts, James moved one of his hands down my arm and pulled my wrist towards his mouth, I heard the doors slam open as he bit down, the voices of my family members drowned out by my own screams as he drank and drank, when he finally let me go I felt like I was beginning to burn from the inside, I couldn't get up, I moved my head to the side to see my own family moving at vampire speed chasing James, I lost sight of james and those following him as he jumped out of the window.

I was brought back to reality when Carlisle knelt next to me, "stay with me y/n please kid" he begged, Rosalie took my bitten arm and nodded to Carlisle before sinking her fangs in, I didn't scream this time, it didn't hurt and I wasn't scared I knew rose wouldn't hurt me, I looked at rose as she detached from my arm, Carlisle giving her a nod.

That's all I could see before dark took over, when I began to feel my body again it ached and I felt the bandages restricting my movement as I sat up in the back seat, once again it was Rosalie and emmet but both sat in a painful science, "vampires huh? That's cool" i said sarcastically causing both to look at me before looking back at the road, "your awake kid, nice to see your still human" emmet joked, "if my theory is right I have rose to thank? Thanks big sis I'd be dead without you" i said causing them both to laugh sadly, "why so glum I'm alive at least pretend your happy" i said and both smiled, "you just found out vampires are a thing and your worried about us smiling" emmet said humoured, "well I kinda had the vampire thing half figured when Laurent showed up, the whole red eyes and fangs didn't give off any hints do worry I do t lay that much attention to detail" i said sarcasm dripping from my tone.

The rest of the trip was spent with emmet explaining the whole vampire vegan family that was the Cullens, when we pulled into the garage the family was already waiting on me, we sat in the front room nervously not talking for what felt like forever, "we're going away for a while" Esme said and I slowly nodded, "where are we going?" I said and she looked sheepishly away, "your staying here, at the hause. We have to go to Alaska for a while to see our cousins who are going help track down James" she said and my face must of showed what I felt because Rosalie put an arm around me, "what if he comes back for me?" I said and Carlisle took over the talking, "we have a treaty with the pack and they have promised to watch over you, take care of you" he said and I lifted a confused eyebrow "pack?" I said and he nodded, "wolf shape shifters, they are coming in human form to meet you tonight once we leave" he said standing up from the sofa, the rest of the Cullens followed and one by one they packed their stuff into cars and said their goodbyes.

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