Chapter 1.(od)

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TW: sh, od, ed, attachment issues?, mommy issues?, hospitals, hospital equipment(IV),

I have had an overdose before, I'm describing her vc overdose based on how I felt and what I went through when in hospital. My levels were NEVER that high. I am skipping out all of the throwing up, it was a traumatic part of my hospital experience and I was throwing up blood. Throwing up is what kept me warm, and I threw up every five minutes. It kept me warm for 30 seconds, then I couldn't stop shivering.

3102 words

The day I was looking the most forward to, quickly grew into a day I didn't want to happen.

I had my favourite teacher, Miss B, today. Not many people like her, but she has always been so nice to me. She had told me once that I could "go speak to her about anything, even personal issues". But, I don't think this is what she meant.

It was p2, (period 2) and the bell was just about to ring. It was nearly break, which meant it was nearly time for her lesson. Me and my friend, Colton, was really excited for her lesson.

Soon enough, the bell did ring. We sprinted to the pool table where we sit, and waited for the time to turn 11:20. Making us 5 minutes early to her lesson.

As soon as the clock turned 20 past, we said our farewells to our friend group and walked off to her lesson.

*time skip*

Her lesson was over now, and I was really sad. I missed her already, I just wanted to spend forever in her classroom.

We were in history at the moment, and I had just received a text. Obviously, it being history, I looked at what I had been messaged.


Are you being serious, Eve? You like girls? You are not my daughter. Get the fuck out of my house. Your bags are waiting on the doorstep. You are not welcome back you fat fucking lesbo. You're better off dead.- Just now

I was in shock, and I didn't know what I was doing.

I ran.

I ran until I couldn't stop.

I ended up on the playground, by my favourite teachers lesson. Yet not close enough for her to hear me crying.

I knew this day would come some time, that's why I had things kept in my pocket.

62 tablets, paracetamol.

And a blade.

I quickly got to it, sobbing my heart out and shoving it down my throat. My throat on fire, I wailed. Too loud, someone was sure to of heard it.

I looked up and saw my favourite teacher looking out the window, she didn't have her glasses on so she couldn't tell who it was.

I quickly pulled my knees up and covered my head in between.

I still had tears coming down my cheek, and a few sniffles and sobs becoming audible.

"Hello? Are you okay?" She said.

I looked up at her.

"Oh my! Eve, are you okay?!"
I nodded.

"Come here," she opened her arms, signalling a hug.

I hugged her, she had the warmest and most loving hugs ever.

"What are those on the floor?" She asks.

Shit. I forgot to pick the packets up, and the blade. I'm such a fucking dickhead!

"Oh just- nothing just leave them there" I say in between cries.

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