Moving On

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**3rd POV

The darkness consumed them.

The pair of them.

Karmilla was losing time and she didn't understand what was happening at the time and her head was killing her.

"Hey. What's wrong?" Josh asked her.

Karmilla stared at him and was confused at how she got there.

Sitting on the couch in his apartment.

With him.

She was not with him earlier.

"What?" She asked.

Josh looked at her, his hair was down as he had just gotten out of the shower not too long ago as he was getting ready to go to bed.

He was in only a pair of pajama shorts as it was 90 degrees outside, even if it was 9 o'clock at night, as it was the beginning of August.

"Are you okay? You've been acting off ever since you got here." Josh said to her.

She nodded.

However Karmilla was anything but okay.

She didn't remember anything from the past few hours and it scared her as this was the third time this had happened this week.

It kept getting worse.

Karmilla answered him, "I'm fine."

"Could've fooled me. I got you a shirt, you're welcome to join me in bed if you want but I know you and I....." Josh stopped himself.

They had stopped seeing each other not long after her brother died.

Karmilla shook her head and stood up, "No, I better...I better get going. I'm sorry."

"Don't worry about it, but if you need someone to talk to, Milla, I'm always open for a conversation you know that, right?" He asked her, putting the shirt on a chair.

There was a whisper in her head.

Something that worried her.

Oh no.

A voice that was familiar to her.

One that should be dead.

"I know, but not today. I need to leave." Karmilla said in barely a whisper and left his apartment.

This was the reason that they broke off their casual relationship, the secrets Karmilla was keeping as Josh wanted more of a relationship.

He wanted her to be his girlfriend.

Karmilla wasn't up for that.

She never truly was.

Leaving the apartment, his voice got louder.

"How sad, you actually found happiness and threw it away, sister." It said to her.

She shook her head, the sound of cicadas were loud as the night went on.

Karmilla did not need this.

"You are dead. Stay there."

Kyle laughed at her, his chuckling echoing in her head.

He continued to laugh as he said, "I will never be truly gone, you know that. The dead never stay that way forever."

Karmilla covered her ears as she got to the stop light at the crosswalk.

She had to play it cool.

It was a Friday night, college kids would be out in the middle of town drinking right now.

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