M a R k .

26 3 0

Twisted smile

Sight of blood amuses the child

Red so deep and thick

Cascading from the neck

Puddle of red overlapping her

Frail and motionless body occurred

White clothing stained with red

Heart beat tremendously sped

Knife apart of him

Submerged in blood

There's not a thing the boy would

Could do to save her from him

He was planning on ripping her apart

Insanity was unleashed

Delirium hungered

For more.

Not satisfied with what he's done

Felt like none

Had begged for life

But met with his knife

Spoke to late

Her name was Kate

The child seemed harmless

Yet there the girl lay as the blood did caress

Her lifeless face with blank eyes

Strewn across the floor did she lie

His name was Mark

You could say he left a mark on people

Every slaughter he left a M on the victim

Claiming that it was him

Orphanage to orphange

Mark wins the hearts of people and takes their blood

A cold serial killer

Not a good dealer

How could such a little thing do harm?

Like cut off one's arm?

He was taught from the bEsT

His own fAtHeR

Famous and well known

Police after him but haven't caught him

You could say he vanished in to thin air

The truth was that his little boy who did not care

Who had been taught well to not be merciful

Or even remorseful

Not a single emotion on the boy

Just the insanity that drives him like a toy

Controlling him

Changed him

Grey blue eyes darkened to black

When will he be back?

No one knows of that

Remains but a mystery

Mark one day walked to his father when asleep

Not a single sound peep

Was heard that day or the next

No contact with anyone not a single text

Blade in hand

He let it land

Slashing his father's throat

Blood wrapping him a thick coat

Gurgled while it filled his lungs

Choking him a bitter symphony sung

Didn't feel anything but pride

At what he's accomplished

Last thoughts were not of punish

my work here is done

Father couldn't care none

Just drifted away from everything

Losing grip of life as we know it

Black eyes fluttered shut

Darkness consumed as blood oozed from the cut

What a pleasant way to go

By the hands of your own 6 year old son


Yeah ik its a bit sadistic,sorry if it disturbs you in anyway

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