chapter 3

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Unknown: What a lovely house you have little Rose

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Unknown: What a lovely house you have little Rose.

Looking at the message on her phone, Serena felt chills down her spine, realizing someone was actually in her house last night. She slowly started typing back.

Serena: Who is this, and what do you want?

She anxiously waited for a reply. Looking at the screen, she could see that the person was typing back. She waited and waited, but she never got an answer. She felt nauseous knowing someone was in her home watching her. She knew she had to get out of the house for fresh air because she felt suffocated. She needed to be away from the house for a while.

The freeze felt nice against her skin, and she walk around for 20 minutes." Should I tell the police about this?" she thought and sighed, but for some reason she couldn't she doesn't know why. All she knew is that she could hear footsteps coming closer to her, her heart rate increased as the footsteps grew nearer and nearer. I have to stay calm and pretend that I didn't hear anything.

Stay calm...

I continued walking because I know only 2 blocks from there there is a gas station nearby. Beads of sweat form on my forehead, I know that that person is still following me even though the footsteps have grown quiet. All I know is that the danger grows closer with each step I take I peek up my pace and started walking faster, from the corner of my eye I can see a Silhouette of a person in black only a few steps away from me. I'm almost there I see it at the gas station.

"Stay calm...don't turn around"

The street light was red as she waited for it to be green so she can cross the street, she tapped her feet on the ground creating an impatient toon. "Turn green, turn green please" she chanted hoping for the color to change as fast as possible she knew if she didn't cross the street she would be in danger. It happened so quickly that she didn't even have time to think as the light turned green she bolted across the street towards the gas station she ran as fast as she can inside the store. Breathing heavily she could hear her heart loud and clear. Customers from the store looked at her strangely wondering what is happening with the girl whose hair looks disheveled and with a pale face as if she saw a ghost.

Avoiding eye contact with anyone she slowly walked towards the drinks section but mistakenly bumped into someone making the things they were holding drop to the ground.

" I'm sorry"

She bent down to pick up the pack of chips giving them to the lady she bumped into but she just the bags from Serena's hands and looked at her angrily." Can't you see where you are going!"

Serena just looked at her with a blank face and said nothing and turned around and walked away, she didn't say anything or say she felt that same gaze as earlier. Her body was shocked in fear as she remembered how close that person was to capturing her before she crossed the road. How did that person's rough hands feel when they touched her wrist, by the size of the hand she presumes the person to be a male.

"I'll just stay here a little longer maybe he will leave," she said softly.

Times pass as she stayed in the same position she was in 40 minutes ago, Serena was tired and hungry. It was almost 5:17 pm it's been about 3 hours since she has eaten but all she wanted to do is sleep.

The hand slowly inched up her upper thigh as the girl tried to move but her hands were tied behind the back. A tear slipped down her eye as she felt the person tear off her underwear. Squirming around she tried to speak but she couldn't it was like her voice disappeared she felt so helpless.

"Look at you... so beautiful" the voice of the unknown said.

His fingers slowly trailed down the folds of her vagina, she wanted this to stop. She didn't want any of this. A scream left her mouth as she felt rough 2 rough fingers penetrate her vagina, it was so painful and rough. The person did not have mercy on her poor body as his fingers thruster in and out of her at a fast pace. She felt so humiliated that she was so weak to do anything.

" Why are you so dry, Don't worry I know what will make you wet for me"

Serena could hear the buckling of a belt and the fiddling of pants. " No!" She thought as she pleaded with her eyes as she cried even more. The figure hovered over her body and forcefully pulled her legs apart, pulling her closer by the waist. She didn't have time to process what was happening but she felt immense pain in her vagina, it hurt so much maybe even more because her body was not prepared for this.

His thrust was so powerful as he went at an inhuman pace gripping her thighs tightly and pulling them apart. His grunts and groans can be heard as he was in bliss while Serena cried as all she felt was pain. He flicked her clit with a lot of force turning it red. She could handle anymore the pain, she was about to blank out when she heard.

"You're mine, little Rose"

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