chapter 1

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1,2,3... Cheers!

"Serena, come on, have a drink. It's your birthday. "The ginger said, handing the brunette a cup filled with alcohol. The girl seemed nervous to drink as she didn't want to try this weird
mix of drinks in a cup. Carefully bringing the cup to her mouth, her friends cheered as the girl finally let loose to enjoy herself on her special day.

The bar was filled with people, that's the environment they needed loud music, alcohol, and dancing the night away. Tipsy, swaying around carelessly, Serena bumped into a stranger while dancing with her two friends, tumbling a few steps back. The girl looked forward to seeing a male figure walking away, not even turning to look at her. "What's his problem?" she thought. She got startled as she pulled her close to him in a protective manner, asking her if she was okay as the others came to see what was going on. Lost in thought of the recent events that just happened, Serena had this unsettling feeling about bumping into the stranger. Shaking off that feeling, she finally paid attention to her worried friends.

"Guys, I'm okay. Really, nothing happened, I just happened to bump into him. It's not his fault."

"Are you sure he didn't grope you or anything?" Her friend asked her, caressing her cheek. She looked at Zyair nodding, making him sigh in relief.

Time ticked faster than everyone imagined it to because of finally spending time together as they used to as they were all busy with their careers. All leaving and bidding goodbye to one another, heading to their prospective homes as it was late.

The car was silent as Serena and Jules were in the car, Jules looked at her friend from the corner of her eyes as she was driving.

" Rena, is everything okay?"

"Ooohhaahh... yeah, I am, " she said, looking at her then back at the window. Serena had this feeling she just couldn't put her finger on it, but she knew something was a miss. Jules just drove straight ahead, knowing right her friend needed time to calm her thoughts.


The smell of cooked bacon filled the house. It was morning, and both friends woke up with a terrible hangover from yesterday. Setting the table, Jules handed Serena a cup of coffee, knowing she needed it.


They ate in silence until the bell rang. They both looked at each other and wondered who it was. Getting and heading to the door opening was a man holding a bouquet of roses
Those were the prettiest red roses she had ever seen.

"Are you Serena Noah?" The man asked, making her look at her confused. As she identified herself, he gave her the flowers.

"Someone sent these for you."

"Who?" she asked, confused, looking for any sign in the flowers to identify the person who sent her the flowers. They said that the person wanted to remain unknown, so he bid goodbye and left. Living the girl wondering who sent her flowers. She found a letter in between the roses opening it she felt her heart beating faster she didn't know why.

"Serena, who is it?" Jules asked, walking towards the door and seeing the roses and letters in her hand. Jules smirked. "Someone has a secret admirer," Jule's singing voice echoed in Serena's ears. Jules looked over her shoulder to see what was finally in the letter, noticing the nervous look on her friend's face.

"Hey, what's wrong?"

Her shacks voice came out in response. " I don't feel so good about this. This is not the normal feeling I would get when someone would send me flowers."

"What do you mean?"


Reading the letter, it says:

I saw a beautiful rose in a garden filled with ivy, she was hiding but I'll find her in the meantime take this bouquet as promised that soon I would unravel the ivy wall separating usability Cause your scent drove me insane little Rose.


Jules felt something ominous was about to happen, not now but soon.


"Look at that expression on her face. It is gorgeous in the distance, but I know close up it even more gorgeous, but for now, I have to see your face in the distance. I don't mind as this game we are about will be fun."The voice said, smiling at the sight of the girl holding flowers.

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