Chantz's arrival!

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After briefly explaining my plans to Killua, I immediately sought solace in the comfort of my couch. Unbeknownst to me, a faint smile graced my lips, not because of happiness, but simply because I could finally rest without the looming fear of nightmares or impending danger. Of course, I still had to be wary of Chantz and his intentions, but that was a concern for tomorrow.

For once, everything felt calm. The bustling sounds of the night streets and the chatter of people outside lulled me into a deep slumber, carrying me away to the realm of dreams.


Morning arrived swiftly, casting a veil of lingering dread upon the air, a testament to the weight of the conversation between Killua and me the night before. Despite this heavy atmosphere, my body felt strangely invigorated. Gon, oblivious to our conversation, looked back and forth between Killua and me, his perceptive nature clashing with his lack of common sense. "What's wrong with you two?" he inquired, his suspicion evident as his eyes darted between us. "It's nothing," I replied, attempting to dismiss his concerns. However, Gon continued to narrow his eyes at me, his trust faltering, and I couldn't blame him.

Killua suddenly chimed in, his energy masking the underlying tension. He flashed a false smile to put Gon at ease, and the green-haired boy seemed to buy into it, for it was Killua, after all.

A gentle knock on the door disrupted the uneasy silence, prompting both Killua and me to freeze instinctively. Without hesitation, Gon rushed to open it, and neither Killua nor I made any attempt to stop him. After all, intervening would only raise suspicion.

To no one's surprise, there stood Chantz, his disheveled black hair contrasting with his well-tailored suit. His piercing brown eyes scanned the room swiftly. "They're not here," he stated matter-of-factly.

"They left."

Killua was the first to speak, breaking the tense silence. He did what I couldn't—confront Chantz head-on. As I looked down at my trembling hands, a surge of fear washed over me.

"Don't lie to me," Chantz declared, his voice concise and unwavering, his eyes glazed over the three of us. With a deliberate motion, Chantz withdrew his hands from his pockets and stepped into the room.

"I know you have them."

"We've already told you that we don't," I interjected, my voice steady but my hands betraying my anxiety. Silence hung heavily as Chantz studied us before uttering a chilling warning.

"If you don't answer by the count of three, all of you will die," he calmly declared.

"That's a lie. You don't have the guts," I retorted boldly. My eyes narrowed, challenging him to reveal his true intentions behind such empty threats.

"You and I both know that Gon and Killua mean everything to you," Chantz chuckled, his words provoking a glance between Gon, Killua, and me. "That may be true for them, but what makes you think you're nearly as important?"

A mix of confusion and curiosity swirled within me. "Well, I assumed you'd say that. Killing me would only divert their focus onto you rather than their objectives."

"You're right, to an extent. However, erasing a person's mind is well within my capabilities."

Silence engulfed the room as Chantz approached me. I closed my eyes, shutting out Gon and Killua's panicked whispers that bombarded my senses.

It's showtime.

When I opened my eyes, they were no longer gray but crimson, infused with a surge of power. Breaking free from the Nen that surrounded me, I ran in the opposite direction, tearing through walls with the sheer force of my aura. Through the bustling morning streets, I fled, my mind filled with a flurry of panicked thoughts.

Damn it, damn it, damn it!

I should have known Chantz would pull something like this. It was in his nature.

To my surprise, my Nen blade, once a weapon, transformed into shoes upon contact with the ground. Though slightly disappointed, I discovered a newfound speed, moving faster than I had ever imagined within my own body.

My surroundings blurred as I ran, barely able to keep up with my own movements. Within minutes, I had left the city behind.

"This should be far enough," I murmured between gasps for breath.

"Is that what you think?"

I didn't need to wonder who had spoken; I already knew.

"You're pretty fast, no doubt," I said, shooting a glare at the older male, who returned a wry smile. "Impressive, nonetheless."

In a burst of speed, I circled Yorknew, only to be met with that same confident smirk. My Nen surged even further as the blade unleashed more of its power. This time, I wouldn't run—I would fight.

I threw a punch at Chantz, but before I could process what was happening, his hand wrapped around my head, forcefully slamming me into the ground. A small crater formed around me, and all I could manage was an exasperated sigh as the crimson hue faded from my eyes.

"You have quite the ability," Chantz complimented, sitting cross-legged beside me.

I glanced at him, confused by his change in demeanor. "Aren't you going to kill me?"

"I simply wanted to have some fun, I suppose. It's not enjoyable being the strongest man in the known world."


"What do you mean by 'known'?" I inquired, my body too sore to move.

"We live in a small lake, an archipelago. Beyond it lies the Dark Continent, which has been prohibited for numerous reasons. To be honest, I want you to get stronger so that you, Ging, and I can venture there," Chantz explained, his gaze fixed on the morning sky, his expression serious.

"Isn't such a place...unsafe for the twins?" I asked, contemplating the idea. After all, Gon and Killua had grown close.

"They have formed a strong bond, particularly with Killua," Chantz noted, his tone implying his intention for them to accompany Killua.

"What do you plan to do after the 'end'?"

The end?

As I pondered his question, I realized I had no concrete plans.

"I don't know."

An: Imma be real with you guys. No clue what to continue with here. I had a whole notebook but I lost it cuz I haven't really been focusing on this fic at all.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jul 20, 2023 ⏰

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