Mission Time

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A month and a half had gone by and the revelation of the two being Kurta still left me shooketh to the core, they would without a doubt play a significant role if Kurapika and the two came into contact. Then again the same effect could be achieved if I revealed my status as a member of the Kurta clan to him as well considering I was most likely his...

I shook my head concentrating on my next plans

 I had to bring the two with me to Yorknew, from what I saw at the end of hunter x hunter Kurapika didn't seem normal from what he usually was, if he saw that there were others he would be pleased and maybe even brought to tears, his rage might be extinguished or reduced.

during the month and a half I had kept up with my usual training regiment but I hadn't mastered everything, I could tell at a glance that if Calixto and Elowen really wanted to ad didn't feel the need to subdue me I would probably be dead. I had gained control of my Hinoken nen but couldn't use it quite as versatile as Killuas lightning, and my training with emperor time was going good and I had quite a significant power boost but I could only use my nen absorbing blades for 5 minutes tops not too mention it makes my body go numb right after.

Calixto abruptly barged into my room turning on the tv and settling down on the couch in my room as I practiced my hatsu.

"your still going at it" he said without a single into of surprise in his voice. i stopped practicing holding my hand signaling him to pass the remote.

"it should be about time" i said casually leaning back against my bed.

"for what?" he asked curiously.

"my friends match against someone called Hisoka" i responded

"ohhhh, is he strong?"

"yea i guess so" i responded 

"my sister doesn't trust you she says your hiding something" he stated calmly as we awaited the match to begin

"did I ask?" I retorted quickly.

"no i just feel like i should know its been nearly two months and we don't know anything about what happened to you that day" he said slightly agitated

"i guess so I'm not too sure my self" i responded a lie

i had an idea of what had occurred but i wasn't sure how to get it to happen again.

"and to be honest netero isn't giving much info on this either he isn't training me the way i thought he would" i continued

"Probably because he doesn't want you to be told everything, growth is all about learning things on your own sorta like how you tell a kid not to touch a stove he won't learn his lesson or how to avoid situations like that unless he experiences it, you'll mature quicker basically" he finished

I blinked surprised to hear his analogy though it didn't explain why Netero kept it a secret from me.

"that's the smartest thing I've heard you say since I got here" I responded

"urusai! (shut up)" he said sharply annoyed at my previous comment

"what do you wanna do after this?" he asked.

"I don't know" i responded

"I heard something about there being an illegal trading system going on there's a bounty on the guys head we could do it after this match" he suggested 

"how long?" I asked calmly

"hmmm about a week if it's just the two of us," he said

"5 and a half if we bring El--"

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