That girl with the tattoo(slay)

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You know, school was never really my thing. Sure I was good at it, but I didn't truly enjoy it. Who did?

  So of course while I'm doodling away in AP Chem, ironic to say the least, my mind stayed afloat with all of the shit I've done this year. I finally went to a party, I know!! So crazy considering it's my senior year. I'm telling you school really isn't my jam.

  At that same damn party I met her, that girl with the tattoo. The one of a beetle with a date in it, it's so specific because it was placed neatly on her left shoulder blade. I'll admit, I was kind of drunk when I noticed it and I was taken aback when she talked to me.

  I was startled, and to be honest I was fucking wasted. I don't even remember her face but she was like...ethereal I guess. So yes, I'm doodling that tattoo and the outfit she wore, shoot me for it I don't care.

  Anyways this class sucks for me because the teacher sucks, he teaches like a sloth and I learn like a cheetah. Slow and steady makes me sleepy and tired, fast and uneasy keeps me grounded and on high alert. He was rambling on about Intermolecular forces, and I was already ten steps ahead of him on our worksheet, I'm so bored dude.

  "...some examples include London dispersion force, dipole-dipole interaction, ion-dipole interaction, and..." he rambled on before I put my AirPods in.

  ''and van der waals force'' I thought to myself. I could teach the class myself. I sighed as I slouched back into my seat, pressing play on my playlist. My favorite song, Dance with me, by Nouvelle Vague, playing. A song introduced to me by a lovely friend, I tend to always thank her when I get the chance.

  I started to doze off into my typical daydream where I'm swooning the girl from the party. I swear I'm not obsessed...okay maybe a little but you honestly can't blame me. She's a babe okay.

I really really just want to-

"Hey can I borrow one of your pens?"

  I jumped in my chair, causing my books to fall and the teacher stopped talking to look at me. Everyone became owls all of a sudden as they turned their heads. Like wtf are y'all looking at? The teacher shook his head before beckoning the class to look back forward. A few snickers were let out as I grumbled to myself while leaning over to pick up my books.

  The person who disturbed my peace was obviously Melé, a girl I never took the time to entertain. Sure she was pretty and...well interesting? But I never found her amusing, she smiled up at me as she grabbed one of my pens that fell. "I'll borrow it for a second I swear!" I blankly stared at her as she started writing. Whatever I don't care, have the damn pen. I definitely gave you permission to use it. Gosh I readjusted my belt before turning back towards the front. Maybe it'll cost just for me to act like I care.

  "Hey here's your pen." Melé offered before standing up. I blinked at her as she gave me this smile, I don't know what was up with her but I took the pen and nodded. She started to walk away as the rest of the class was heading out the door as it was lunch. I awkwardly sat there, still recovering from my nap before the teacher looked at me. "You know you're dismissed Karmen?" I nodded before packing up my stuff. He immediately went back to his work as I exited his classroom doors.

  The hallways immediately got crowded and I roughly made my way between multiple bodies to reach my locker. It felt like a breath of fresh air to not have to touch so many bodies. I managed to switch out my books for my next class after lunch, the one I shared with my dearest friend, Nate.

  "Jesus fuck how long have you been standing there?" I cursed as Melé just stood there leaning against the neighboring locker. "Not long, I wanted to see if you wanted to get lunch together? My friends have extra seats today and you're really-''


  "What?" Her face fell flat.

"Like no offense but I have my friends and I'd rather sit with them...not your clique full of jocks and wannabe's, thanks I pass." My smile never reached my eyes as I said my goodbyes and headed down the hall. She just shrugged before heading in the opposite direction. Thank God because that would've been hella awkward.

"Michelle Obama, fuck you respectfully." Amy ranted into her tiktok video about school lunches. I chuckled as the long wavy haired girl ranted, she was quite amusing and if she wasn't my best friend I would've dated her ages ago. Truthfully I'll never pass up the opportunity if given. Her and Nate were siblings...twins to be exact. Their parents moved here like ten years ago from India and I've know them since.

  "Maybe you should chill out, our obesity rate is already high, Michelle's doing us a favor, right Karmen?" Nate chimed in. I looked at him suppressing a laugh.

"Fuck no, who the hell would support not letting kids have choices? Oh right, our politicians." I deadpanned. His smile faltered and Amy high-fived me. She laughed and I stared at her for a second. All of my friends looked good, and no I'm not in love with them all.

  "Let's change the topic please, I feel offended." He sighed defeatedly.

"Oh why don't we talk about that exchange student. What was her name? Mia I think?" Amy beamed. I snorted.

"Her name's Melé, how'd you mess that up?" I said. She sneered at me before continuing on. l started to zone out, I didn't really care for the girl. You know, it would be shocking to say I've never dated anyone other than this one guy freshman year. He was alright, I mean personality wise he wasn't the most interesting though I loved him at the time. It lasted 8 months, he cheated on me with a guy. Slay I guess but damn.

  "She's hot, I should ask her out." Nate confidently stated. His sister just laughed at him, "if Karmen doesn't beat you to it." My head snapped towards her and I shoved her. "Shut up, I don't even like her." She looked at me knowingly before laughing harder. Nate just looked defeated, again.

  "She's all yours buddy, don't kill me." I said jokingly. He smirked at me before looking behind me. "Okay." He swiftly stood up heading behind me. My eyes widened as I looked at his sister. Her laugh turned into a shocked chuckle.

  "Wow, I didn't expect him to actually do it." I said as we turned to watch their interaction. He stood above her as we could see his mouth moving, she giggled at him before looking towards us. I didn't even try and hide that I was looking, she looked me up and down before looking at him and smiling. She handed him her phone, assuming they were exchanging numbers and when he started walking back over he looked like he scored a goal.

  "How'd it go, lover boy?" I teased. He smiled, teeth beaming, "we have a date Friday after school." I was shocked it was so soon but I'm happy for him.

  "That's good bro, invite me to the wedding asap." Amy teased some more. Her brother shoved her shoulder as his face turned beat red mumbling a 'quit'. I honestly could never get tired of living life like this till I graduate.

Word count: 1305😔

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