Chapter 4 : The Last Clue

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Jack had no idea when the rain began. The sky had been a yellowish-gray color since the morning, indicating an impending downpour. Despite the warning signs, he became distracted by his thoughts after being caught off guard by the sudden change in weather.

He stood in front of his boss's office, which usually elicited Jack's contempt for authority figures. Throughout his military career, he had a knack for getting into trouble and rebelling against those in authority. His boss, on the other hand, was a little different. Unlike the countless people he had felt compelled to throttle, his boss was one of the lucky few who escaped Jack's wrath..

The ambiance enveloped him as he stepped into the room, the door adorned with a polished plaque bearing the word "President." The room had been meticulously decorated, with an assortment of tasteful accessories arranged on the table. A young man with a confident demeanor sat across from Jack. His slender frame exuded poise, and his piercing blue eyes glowed with intensity. His bleached hair, neatly styled, added a touch of edginess to his appearance, but it did not detract from the air of elegance while dressed in a dark, tailored suit. Jack couldn't help but sneak a glance at the opulent golden watch on the young man's wrist—a piece of luxury that seemed out of place.

A person who appeared frail and disheveled sat in front of the young man. His grey beard was unkempt, his hair even more so. He was shaking ever so slightly, eyes quickly darting around the room. He was shaking his left leg in short bursts, while he fiddled with his hands in his lap.

Jack's gaze met the well-dressed man's first. They locked eyes. Jack refused to break away, and he knew the man had the same intention.

"You have summoned me?" Jack asked,

The president rose from his seat, his movements purposeful. "Let's focus on progress, Jack."

Jack shifted uncomfortably. "We've made some headway, and we're actively pursuing leads."

The president drew his arms across his chest, a stern expression on his face.

"Give me the details, Jack," he demanded,

Jack rubbed his forehead. "To be honest, I don't have much to say right now. Huxley has the latest information," he admitted.

The president sighed. "Come on, Jack. Just so you know, I've heard from everyone except you and Hux I expect this case to be resolved soon."

Jack shrugged casually before turning his gaze to the person in the room, his gaze piercing through the tense atmosphere.

"And who might this snowflake be?" he scorned.

The well-dressed man turned to face the balding man, who couldn't help but notice Jack's left mechanical arm, visibly intimidated by its presence.

Jack glanced at the man then back at his metal arm, feeling sudden hot anger flare up inside him.

"You got a problem?" he demanded.

"No!" The man jumped and shook his head, his voice quivering. "There is no problem at all!"

Jack continued to glare at the man,

"Jack, you're unsettling him," the president interjected.

Jack looked away from the man, then back at Ted. "So, who is this guy anyway?" he scoffed.

The president pressed his lips together in a thin line. "This is Michael Reynolds, our key witness in this case," he explained, emphasising Michael's significance.

Jack crossed his arms, clearly irritated. "Took him long enough, didn't it?" he remarked, his impatience cutting in.

The president shot Jack a stern look. "Jack, please be respectful. Michael is a valuable asset to this investigation, and we could use all the help we can get," he reprimanded, emphasising the importance of their witness.

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