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I know another chapter this soon is a surprise.

I will say this though Happy Birthday to me. That's right. Today or at least the day that this chapter comes out is my birthday.

Funnily enough this chapter is almost twice as long as i normally try for and I didn't even plan that it just happened

Having said that let's get into the chapter

Izuku was getting ready for school. He had already woken up early to help his parents set up the bakery as well as make sure both he and eri were packed to move into the dorms.

Eri herself was dressed in a mini U.A. uniform that Nedzu had sent for her to wear to school. Izuku nearly had a heart attack from sheer cuteness overload.

Izuku was waiting for Misaki to show up. Misaki's father owned a truck so he had offered to drive any large boxes that would have trouble fitting in a car. Even then though they would still have boxes they would have to carry so the rest would go inside another vehicle. Since his parents had to run the bakery Hinako's mother had offered to drive them in her car since they couldn't take the train that day.
Time skip brought to you by Kurumi

Izuku, his girlfriends, and Eri were the last to arrive and they meet up with Aizawa

Aizawa: Finally you 5 are the last to arrive lets go in and get this over with

Izuku: Sounds like a plan

As they go in they see the rest of the class in the common room of the dorm. As they show up they all turn to look at them which causes Eri to become nervous and hide behind Izuku while shyly peaking out from behind him. Momo was eventually the one to break the silence

Momo: So Tokisaki-san I can't help but notice the small child hiding behind you

Izuku just smiled and turned around, kneeling to reach Eri's height. He then gently patted her head before calmly speaking to her.

Izuku: Why don't you introduce yourself. Don't worry they won't hurt you from what I've seen most of them are good people

Eri: Okay

Eri then got out from behind Izuku and shyly walked towards the class before doing a small bow and introducing herself

Eri: H-Hello my name is Eri Tokisaki and my quirk is rewind which lets me reverse something to a previous state of time. I-it's nice to m-meet you.

(Eri's full name is Eri Tokisaki-Miyamura but publicly goes by Tokisaki for safety reason due to Overhaul still looking for her)

Iida, noticing Eri's shy behavior, started looking between her and Izuku while his brain started working.

Iida: *thinking* She has Tokisaki's red eye as well as a time related quirk. Then you have Meigetsu-sans white hair and shy personality

Iida then gasped as he made a realization

Iida: Tokisaki-san I know you and Meigetsu are dating but you both are to young to have a daughter don't you think

Hearing this caused both Izuku and Hinako to blush at his conclusion while Chiyo and Misaki laugh at what he had assumed.


Iida: *embarrassed* oh uh apologized for the wrong assumption

Izumi: Wait a minute she's not your sister I am

Hearing this Eri looks at Izumi confused before turning to her brother

Izuku Yagi Angel Of TimeNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ