Chapter 13

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I walk to the bathroom door and wiggle he door knob

"I will put a screwdriver in your eyes" she screams, gosh she is one hell of a woman

"Its me baby" I whisper

The door opens within a second and she runs into my arms, I lifted her up in my arms as she wrapped her legs around my waist

"I was so scared" she whispers in my neck sobbing

"Shhh, why were you scared?" I asked caressing her back walking in the room with her in my arms as she calms down


"He did something?" I ask even though I know he wouldn't even try anything

"No, he was nice" she says as I sit comfortably

"Then why were you scared?"

"Nightmare, I had a nightmare, I asked Ryan to bring you here but he said you can't come right now"

"I know baby, I was out on a mission remember"

"Mission? Like the one with guns and boom boom" she asks pulling out of my neck  looking in my eyes

"Yes exactly like that, what was the nightmare?" I ask

"Bad things, thank you for coming back" she whispers

"Nandini sweetheart, you have to understand something, when I am out of missions or in important meetings, I need you to be safe with Ryan, karthik or cabin, all of them if it requires. I don't want you to be scared because I promise they will protect you just like I can" I explain softly as I caress her hair with one hand while wiping her face with the other hand

"But they will not protect me like you do" her few words light my whole body on fire

It's not a huge deal, but the fact that she thinks I am the only one who can protect her makes me feel happy

"Mani, I trust you and that means I trust your words and the people you trust but no one can protect me like you" she whispers softly

"I understand baby, but in this world I am a part of emotions always mess everything up. I'm sorry but I can't bring you to missions" I let her know

"I understand" she whispers making me smile

"Ryan, karthik and cabir adore you, they will protect you with their last breath and I know that for a fact so don't be scared when I have to go on such things"

She nods leaned her face on mine, her nose touches mine as she closes her eyes calming down while I continue to run my hands down her back

"How was the mission?" She asks

"Good ,perfect"

"What was it again?" I chuckle seeing how she s trying to sneak information out of me

"Not a good tactic babygirl" she giggles hearing me

Her giggles make me happy, I feel like I am at peace.

"I will think of a better one" she says making me laugh

"You do that, how does Paris sound?" I ask leaning back on the headboard

"Paris sounds lovely and beautiful, even erotic and romantic but why?" She asks sitting on my lap

The words she used makes my cock twitch under her and I know she wasn't paying attention at all to me, instead she was busy blabbering about Paris now

"You know the worst part of paris is the language, because clearly I don't know how to speak French but but im sure they have some translation thing. i wanna get a nice key chair from Paris for ma and and one pair of heels for her as well" she blabbers forgetting that she was crying a couple minutes ago

"Of course we can get all of that" I say

She nods giggling grabbing onto my t shirt, the smile on her face turns into a frown and then tears brim her eyes

"Whats wrong?" I ask

"You are hurt" she whispers

I look down turning my arm to where she was looking and find this slash on my forearm

"Im okay"

"No, this is bad, come on go shower and I will put some antiseptic cream on it" she says wiping her eyes getting off me

"Nandini darling don't worry too much"

"It hurts I can see, go shower please" I sigh getting up

"Should we go get on the flight?" I ask as she starts putting the cream on my cut after I had showered

"Are we really going to Paris?"

"Yes love we are, come on"

a few hours later we were on a flight to Paris, Nandini was as usual sleeping right beside me after she had ate. She didn't wanna sleep becasue she thought I would disappear but her droopy eyes let me know she was sleepy and I was right becasue as soon as I caressed her head for a few minutes she fell a sleep

My phone rings, a smile covers my face seeing it's mukti, she is like my little sister.

"Hey" I mumble

"Hiiiii can you come over" she asks

"Im on a flight to paris, but what wrong?"

"Your niece won't stop crying" she mumbles

"Im sure Nandini would have loved to come over" I said

"Oh about that, you fuckign idiot, you haven't told her why you actually adopted nyra?" I sigh hearing her

It is true that I haven't told nandini the truth, I told her some but not the full truth behind adopting mia/ nyra, abhi, Nandini and mukti named her nyra.

"I will tell her" I whisper looking at Nandini as she sleeps peacefully

"Please do, I know you don't wanna involve her in this world of yours but she is already involved so before she feels betrayed"

"Let me see my niece" I say

she picks her up and seeing me nyra stopped crying

"Hi baby" I whisper

She looks at me like Nandini looks at me, its sweet

"You wanna see Nandini" I ask showing the camera towards nandini and I kid you not, nyra smiles

Mukti and I talked for a little bit and then I cu the call leaning back on the seat, I was exhausted and not just that, mukti is right, I need to tell nandini. She is a part of me, a part of my life so she needs to know

We landed in Paris shortly after and nandini jumped up when I picked her up but seeing it's me, she relaxed and fell back a sleep. We reached my penthouse and I instructed the pilot to the private jet and head back without us because we will take a plane back

I showered getting into our room, once I came out nandini was up rubbing her eyes yawning making me smile

"Would you fancy some pizza?" I ask

"Please and coke if you have some" I kissed her head walking down to the kitchen to grab some pizza I ordered when we got in.

Heading back up with the food, I placed it on the bed waiting for her, for the first time in my life, I was anxious to tell her the truth, but mukti is right, I have to tell her, not just that, everything.

"Are you okay?" She asks coming out of the bathroom

Her hair was dripping on her back, she was wearing black satin shorts and a matching pair of t shirt that wasn't too long, nor too short.

"Your hair" I say

"I know ,I need to dry it" she says semi drying them with the towel she had in her hand

she then sat on the bed munching not he pizza, my stomach felt uneasy just thinking there might be a chance she won't wanna be a part of my life.

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