Chapter 9

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Manik's pov

As the water trickles down my head and under my t shirt I almost lose my temper to the max, I was going through such important information while cabir and Nandini were arguing and also laughing together as they watched some weird videos

I looked at cabir and Nandini as they both stopped jumping around and were whispering something stupid to each other as anger rushes through my body

"Cabir get the fuck out of my face now" I scream at him

He doesn't need another scream or another word as he runs into his room on the private jet. I look at Nandini who was mumbling something under her breath as she stood there chewing her lips

"In the room with me now" I blurt out gritting my teeth together

"No" she whispers

"Don't make me carry you because I fucking will"

"You say not to cuss at you but you are cussing at me" she says so softly playing, more like fidgeting with her hands nervously

"IN THE ROOM WITH ME NOW" I say louder this time

She nods, her head hung low, a sight I didn't like. She follows me to the room, I locked it and grabbed a t shirt walking to the bathroom, I quickly changed and I could hear her mumbling lots of weird things

When I came out of the bathroom, she was pacing in the room chewing on her nails.

"You are very out of line Nandini" I say

"I am not, I am walking in a line" she says looking at her feet

I roll my eyes a little at her

"Water seriously, what the fuck is wrong with you? Do you know how important those files were that I was going over"

She shook her head pouting at me

"Why can't you behave?" I asked

She walks closer leaning on my chest like she has done a couple times, she rests her chin on my chest looking up

"I am sorry" she whispers looking up at me

"And why should I forgive you?" I ask wrapping my arms around her back

I can't not forgive her, I mean I love her eyes, I love how innocently she asks for forgiveness, she is so sweet. I can't resist her at all

"Because I am very sorry and I didn't know you were going through some important messages or files or whatever. I am sorry" she whispers


"I will behave okay, I promise, I just"

"Shh, I don't mind you running around and messing around with cabir, that's fine but lets refrain from pouring any liquids on me ya?" She giggles nodding

"So I can pour solids on you, sorry I mean throw solids on you" she asked as I glare at her

"Quit it will you" she laughs hearing me

She leans up and kisses the corner of my lips running away to im assuming cabir's room, gosh she makes me want to lose control and not be so guarded but I can't, plus she distracts me so much which is never good, not when I am on the filed

For the next few hours I went over the plan once we get to Switzerland, clearly it wasn't just for our honeymoon or so called honeymoon, it was for work.

Nandini and Martha don't know what I do, when I said underworld to Nandini I didn't explain because I know she is sensitive and if she hears that cabir and I work to save little girls from human trafficking, Nandini will lose it so it's better she doens't know

Being in Switzerland wasn't planned, hell I wasn't even thinking much about business until cabir called this morning and told me that Ronny is getting a shipment of girls in Switzerland at night today whihc is why I am here.

Ronny is one of the most powerful men in the Mumbai cartel who has frequent shipments of girls, we have tried to trace them a lot but it usually is either too late or they find our but this time only cabir and I know so hopefully we can free those girls an catch ronny

The only reason I brought Nandini is becasue I know she won't be able to stay alone and I didn't wanna send her to Martha since her father is there who I wish to kill but just becasue he had some parts in making her I didn't kill him but that doens't mean I won't

"Maniiiii" I hear nandini's giggle, more like laughing as she walks to me

Her hair was messed up, she had a stain on her t shirt and she was laughing like a maniac

"Hi, are you okay?" I ask as she sits beside me

"Hehe cabir is rude, will you scold him?" She asks pouting

"Scold him for what?"

She sighs really loud obviously being dramatic like she is making me shake my head

"He threw coke at me"

"Dude it was half a sip becasue you made me laugh but you poured the whole glass on me" I hear cabir

As I look up, he comes out with wet hair and a bigger stain on his t shirt

"Hahah" Nandini laughs seeing him

"I thought I told you to behave" I say to Nandini who giggles nodding rubbing her nose on my arm

"Disgusting, Nandini you are gross"

"Hey I am your wife, and there is nothing gross" she said leaning up and rubbing her cheeks on mine making it all sticky from the coke

seeing her cabir rubbed his hands on the other side of my face making me groan

"Ahhh enough, get away from me both of you" I yell causing them both to burst out in fits of laughter making me glare at them

"We are about to land sir"

i nod at the air hostesses, Nandini and cabir were laughing the whole time.

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