What's the reason for this school trip?

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Saktham at the top of his yelled out while grabbing his knee "Darn it!" after repeatedly failing to dribble past Uman, and getting tackled by him very hard, very hard. "Oh, don't be such a baby, I didn't tackle you that hard" Uman said while looking at Saktham who was clutching his knee in pain and rolling from side to side.

"This is a freaking practice, Uman!, You didn't have to tackle that hard " Saktham said while slowly getting up from the ground. Uman responded right away, saying, "So what?! The test requirement is really difficult. If we don't practice hard now, we can say goodbye to Spain!" He spoke with determination, his eyes filled with fire as he remembered Mr. Vector's words.


A few Hours Earlier


"Now that the introduction is out of the way, let's move on to the important part of our conversation," said Mr. Vector. He paused, heightening the suspense while some students muttered, "Come on, hurry up and tell us the requirements!" Nervously, they bit their nails in anticipation.

Mr. Vector with a very excited voice began "The requirement for this trip is very tough, so to make it easy for you student you will be given the choice to participate in any three of the tests" A pin drop was heard in the class a miracle that happens only in the rare situation in a classroom.

"This test is not going to be like any other test. If you choose to participate in any of the other requirements, you will not be able to take this test," Mr. Vector explained quickly, not wanting the silence of the students to be gone, so quickly with unnecessary questions.

"These tests won't be your average test, where if you failed one test then you can give another test, NO!, No, these tests if you fail in any of them then you are not eligible for this trip!" Mr. Vector yelled out his voice echoing in the closed classroom.

cough-cough Mr. Vector began coughing from yelling so loudly at the top of his voice, he then went towards the first bench where Arush was sitting and asked him "Could you give me your water bottle" nervously Arush with his hands shaking quickly handed his bottle to Mr. Vector, who chuckled seeing the nervous reaction after slowly gulping down the water he said with a smile "No need to be afraid this much about the tests," he reassured Arush as well all the students who were near his vicinity, after giving the the bottle back to Arush he returned towards the teacher's table. "Now, as I was saying..." Mr. Vector began.

"You will be given three choices to choose from, either you can a normal test where you will be judged based on your intelligence or you could take the athletic test  where if you play football, basketball, and tennis you could take this test and if you don't think you are qualified to take the first to tests then you could take the last option where you will be judged based on your artistic skill, your creative writing skill or your acting skill" with a deep breath Mr Vector finished and leaned back at the teacher's table and he looked over the classroom and said "Now, if you have any question then ask now"

The moment the words left Mr Vector's mouth the tsunami known to teachers as dumb students' questions began, These types of tsunami are widespread in the younger classrooms when the students are young and they don't understand the topic and ask the teacher genuine questions, but imagine student at 12th standard who have been told that if they want to go to a particular location have to take a specific test, image the condition of the classroom if that happened. I will tell you it will result in the most enormous tsunami known to teachers, where every single extrovert student yelling at the top of their voice asking the same question, if not then their voice being swallowed by this tsunami.

"Enough!, If every single one of you doesn't shut up now then I will make sure that every single one of you is ineligible to take the test as well as suspend you from school for 1 whole month Understand" Mr.Vector at the top of his yelled out resulting in the tsunami finally being calmed down and from the tsunami rose a female student sitting beside Arush with a very meek voice questioned, "Umm, sir I have query what is the reason for the school trip having so much requirement?" 

"Oh, what is the requirement for the school trip?" Mr.Vector repeated the question with his finger on his chin making a thinking pose, and after a couple of minutes, he replied " It's for your scholarship, As some of you are aware Our school has opened a new branch in Spain, so all the students who are going to Spain, will get the opportunity to obtain the scholarship" as he said that the tsunami started again and this time bigger than the last time. 

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