I have been What!

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"Umm, hey Sonilika, will you be interested in coming to my football match today?" asked a teen in a very confident tone, After asking the girl that question the boy started looking towards Sonilika's eyes which were dark brown. Her long black, luscious hair that was tied in braids made her look extremely beautiful.

  The girl was looking at the boy with a smile on her face and as she slowly opened her mouth to speak, a loud ringing noise started coming from it. The area looked like an entrance to a room inside of which laid several desks and benches, including a huge blackboard at the wall and a small crack on the corner of it, those cracks spread around the room resulting in the whole room looking like a spiderweb, Seeing all of this the boy standing near the girl started walking backward while still looking in the girl's direction but the girl slowly morphed into nothingness but a black substance when the boy saw that he started screaming in a high-pitched voice,  resulting in the cracks that were slowly spreading outside the classroom to spread rapidly across the room. 

The boy's whole face was covered in sweat started biting his nails in fear as he saw everything around him quickly turning into the same black goey substance as the girl, Fearing for his life he started to chant god's name but alas his chant came of no avail as he slowly started morphing into the substance, it first started spreading from his feet slowly turning the teenager into a black goo. 

Seeing himself turn into the same goo as the girl he stopped chanting god's names Instead the thought of how unsuccessful his life was filled his head, he never managed to confess his feelings to his crush, he never found his passion or what he would do in the future, all he ever did was nothing! he just kept on believing on some stupid luck and chance will lead him to achieve his goals! and now when he is about to die he would have nothing to be proud of, What an utter waste of a human being he was! time slowly started moving for him his entire body except his head had finally turned to goo, and he couldn't feel his body anymore, To spare himself from ultimately seeing his head turning into goo he closed his eyes for the last.

When he opened his eyes again he was expecting to see an angel telling him that he had committed far too many sins to be accepted into heaven. 

Instead, he was fully covered in sweat lying in his single bed, trying to make sense of what had happened Ignoring the buzzing noise beside him on his bedstand. He was way too occupied to notice some buzzing noise after all the noise beside him was just a 'noise' that was of no importance, but oh how wrong he was If he just had turned his head towards the noise he would have noticed his phone's alarm going off and he would have avoided the trouble he would face later on.

 The boy after finally collecting his thoughts looked at that darn alarm that had been ringing for god knows how long! Seeing the time on the phone the boy's eyes nearly popped out of his skull and left his mouth hanging for a second. 

"Shit!" he yelled out loud while getting out of his bed in a great hurry and making his way toward the bathroom to brush his teeth, after doing so he grabbed a fresh pair of clothes from his closet and ran like a marathon athlete from his home to the bus station.


   While in a classroom two students were talking to each other "Wanna have a bet, Saksham?" asked the boy to a student named Saksham "What type of bet?" he asked in a polite yet shy tone "A bet about Saktham's coming late to the class yet again".

"Don't try to scam the new student to gain some quick cash Uman! ", came a warning from a third person.

 "I don't think Uman was trying to scam me, Arush ".

 "You have only joined this class for about a week Saksham, so don't know that this person has a habit of asking money from other students without repaying them,"  he said while pointing his fingers toward the student in question. 

"Geez why do you always ruin my fun ?", Uman with a sign of disappointment asked Arush, " Students, back to your seats," came a commanding voice from the entrance of the classroom entrance, Walking into the classroom A man in his late forties with a good hairline for his age, his trained eyes scanned all the students in the classroom as he entered the room.

"Students, now  I will take the attendance, so be quiet!," said the person with a hint of warning for all the students who were still talking," Yes,  Rakesh sir!" came the unanimous reply from the students.

While the attendance was going on, Saktham was running at full speed toward the entrance of his class while muttering, "please god, please god, make Rakesh sir come late for class, 

 but when he finally reached his class his wishes were unfulfilled standing inside the classroom was Rakesh sir looking in his direction as if expecting him to be there and when finally their eyes met he asked a question full of sarcasm to the boy who was wearing a cyan t-shirt and black jeans, while the boy's long hair looked it needed a trim.

" Mr. Saktham, what is the reason for your late arrival  yet again?" 

 "Um, Sir it's because of the bus It came 25 minutes late that's why I am late," said Saktham while trying to keep a straight face, but failed horribly due to being a lousy liar his face which had a small mole beside his left eye gave a twitch. 

"Saktham go to your seat," said Rakesh with a sigh Tired of yelling at Saktham for his late arrival, and marked the boy present.

Saktham made his way toward Arush to sit beside him, sitting in front of him was Uman who was wearing a light blue shirt with a black tie his skin tone was tan and his eyes were filled with mischief sitting beside him was Saksham wearing a light green shirt with a chocolate colored tie his skin tone was quite lighter then Uman, his eyes filled with a certain amount of innocence. 

After taking the Attendance," Students, one week from now, you will be all going on a school trip in Spain," Mr.Rakesh announced to the students without any care and left. 

Soon after he left, the whole started getting excited about the trip and started discussing the trip,

 "Can't believe the school has decided on a school trip to Spain," said Arush with a face that told everyone that he was having a hard time believing it, "Same, bro" said Uman with the same look as Arush.

"I think the reason the school has decided on the trip is due to the new branch in Spain," said Saksham with an excited tone,

 "Why does it matter why we are going to Spain? We should be happy, not questioning it," said Saktham as if it wasn't a big deal. But inside his mind, he was thinking something else.

Inside his mind, Saktham was thinking, of something else This was an excellent opportunity for him to talk to Sonilika with mini Saktham dancing in celebration inside of his head but his thoughts were interrupted by Uman pinching his shoulder.

 "Ahh!" screamed Saktham, and then said "What the hell is your problem Uman Why the hell did you pinch me"

 "Oh, because someone wasn't listening, but kept on ignoring me like my ex," said Uman in an annoyed tone.

"What the hell did you wanna talk about, that gave you the reason for pinching me," said Saktham in an annoyed manner,

 "Oh, it's because today you will be in the starting eleven for the school team," said Uman with a smirk seeing the reaction of Saktham.

"I have been What!"  screened  Saktham in complete shock

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