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Driving down the road with the wind blowing my hair around I felt free. The guys were laughing and shouting over the wind laughing at theme, I looked over at Laddy to see him holding tightly to Dwayne with a big smile on his face.

Suddenly the guys drove up to some caves with a big view of the boardwalk and the entire beach. Marco helps me of the bike but kept a hold of my hand as he lead me into the cave. It was very dark and I couldn't see anything each time I took a step I would trip in the dark on the rocks which was why I was so thankful that Marco kept a hold on my hand.

When I was finally Abel to see I noticed we were in a cave light by candles. There was a big round rock well in the middle with a beautiful chandelier that instead of bulbs it had candles on it. Around the chandelier there were little seats a love-seat, a big pillow that could swallow Laddie whole, and some other comfy looking ones . But there was also a old wheelchair that was in front of the others looking like a thrown.

Above the floor there was a spiral like stairs leading a foot of the ground to two bedrooms that only had a sheet to protect it from the view of everyone on the other side.

Looking around I thought it looked nice even with all the crap broken pieces lying around.

The boys lead me to the seats they all sat down before me leaving no space for myself. Deciding to just sit on the floor on a big pillow I got conferral.

The boys were looking at me like I was crazy.

"What is it" I asked felling self-conches with all the staring.

"Why are you sitting on the floor Ray Ray come sit with me" Laddie said using his adorable new nickname for me.

Not being able to say no to that adorable face I reluctantly got out of my space and sat on the love seat with him.

"So Ray is it? Ok so me and the guys have to.... Work at night so you can look after lady in the morning from 1pm till we pick him up ok?" David told me when Laddie sat himself in my lap

That seemed ok to me I have nothing to do and Laddie is adorable and would give me some fun in this dead town.

Telling David that it was ok with me the guys started mucking about telling jokes and just plane messing with each other.

I could tell that they cared for each other a great deal even if some people cough David cough don't show it I could just tell.

Laddie had long ago fell asleep in my lap with his head buried in the crook of my neck looking so cute.

The guys were eating some chines they sent Marko out to get earlier. And after the guys had stopped messing around I could tell they were starting to let loose.

Paul's had turns on his boom box (stereo) and was dancing badly to a upbeat song playing with Marko dancing with him both making fools out of themselves. Which I think will happen often they seemed like the children in this little family really childish but so loving.

Dwayne was sitting in the brick well thing swinging his feat to the music watching the guys as they danced, but occasionally his eyes would flicker to laddie in my arms making sure he was ok. Like the protective father I knew he was but didn't show it till someone pissed him off or messed with laddie.

David well the big bad leader had a cigarette hanging from his lips as he laughed at Paul's and Marko's antics. He was still sitting in his wheelchair showing how in charge he was even if he wasn't doing anything. It was just a vibe you get from him like he was Alpha so don't mess with him

All of them fit together perfectly even if they were all different but I guess that's what made theme a family.

Looking down at Laddie I thought it was time to take him to his bed that the guys had shown me earlier.

Raping him in the sheets I sighed softly his arm were still tightly raped around my neck and were not bulging.

Finally giving up I just got in bed with him rapping my arms around him to keep him close to me. I felt like I finally belonged as I drifted to the land of sleep.

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