After getting my books I walk over to Renee's locker and start chatting while she gets her books.

"Madi, would you rather have super speed or have the ability to be invisible," Carter says mid conversation with Nathan, whose locker is right beside Renee's.

"what the fuck," I say with an unamused look on my face. What kinda shit do these guys talk about?

"never mind," he says

"no i'll answer," I say " well since I already have super speed when I'm on ice"

"cocky much," Nathan says, earning a well-deserved glare from me.

"I would have to say invisibility."

Nathan goes to say something but is cut off by the sound of the school announcements.

"could all juniors please meet in the sports hall in 5 minutes"

"ooooo sounds interesting," Matt says from behind me.

He frightens me so much I jump a little which causes nathan to quietly chuckle at me.

I give him a glare and start walking with our little group as Lexi does a little sprint to join us, 'coincidentally' ending up beside beside matt.

We all walk into the sports hall to see a big projector set up displaying the title 'the bucket list'.

"shit this looks fun," Matt says eagerly, practically hopping with excitement. I swear to god matt is the image of a golden retriever boy.

The principal begins speaking and explaining what is happening.

"Due to the damage that was caused to the school last winter, we will be holding a fundraiser to raise money for the repairs and we also hope rot send some funds towards those whose homes were also damaged during the flood."

A few months ago, there was a bad flood which caused a shit ton of damage to the school and the surrounding areas, but what can you expect, we live in Canada.

"After discussions with the student council and a bit of creativity, we decided the juniors would take part in a bucket list sort of fundraiser. There will be a wide range of challenges to be completed by students who will be paired up alphabetically."

Carter and I give each other a little smirk knowing that we will be paired up, and probably do well considering how competitive we both are.

"Now I'm not so great with details, so I'm going to leave it to Sally Ryan, who helped come up with this fantastic idea to explain all the rules and details to the fundraiser."

Sally walks up beside the principal and gives her a big smile. Sally is very much so a theatre kid and is obsessed with acting, I don't mean it in a bad way but like she literally started making commercials when she was 4, and has been acting ever since.

She starts to talk in a very animated tone which would be annoying to anyone who didn't know her, but you get used to it after knowing her for as long as I have, its just the way she is.

"To record your progress on each challenge, the technology team have ever so kindly agreed to create an app"

She sends a massive smile over to the technology team who seem to all be together in a little group.

"in which you will post a picture of each challenge being completed, as proof to make sure no cheating occurs. As a school, we're are so lucky to have students with amazing interest in film and photography, they have offered to film and stream the whole journey. The bucket list app will be visible to the public and they can vote 3 pairs each week to watch as they complete their tasks. These pairs will have a slight advantage when it comes to the challenges they choose to complete that week which gives an incentive to grab the public's attention. Over the weeks, certain pairs who have completed the least tasks will be eliminated from the challenge. The first pair to complete all the challenges with get a mystery prize!"

Knowing my school the prize will probably be a book token or something cheap like that. I honestly wouldn't mind a free book but I know that Matt would be pissed.

The principal calls out all the pairs, and surprise surprise I'm with Carter.

Nathan and Renee end up paired together, but both and Matt and Lexi get paired up with people I don't really know all that well.

The principal was very adamant that there would be no pairs with anyone of the same gender, so as people walked over their partner, it was very clear that quite a lot of people were uncomfortable in their pairs.

However Lexi and Matt are both like social butterfly's so they were both immediately chatting with their partners.


Heyyy, I'm pretty sure nobody is reading my story anyways so I'm gonna keep it short.
I hope that anyone who is reading(if there is any), are enjoying the story.
Thanks for reading!

TikTok : starlight_library

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2023 ⏰

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