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here you were. at the table. sitting across from perhaps one of the most fascinating women alive, ozen the immovable.

every one of your movements felt more tense than usual. you kept your head down. despite looking at the plate, you had no idea what food was on it. you weren't focusing on anything but ozen.

the silence was deafening. it was awkward.

"pff huhuhuhaha" the sudden chuckle from ozen caught you off guard.

you jumped a little.

"is there a reason for your perpetual state of fright?" she started.

you squirmed a little in your chair.

"it's even just the two of us and you fail to look me in the eyes. so i ask once more, why are you afraid?"

you drop your fork onto the table with a little clatter.

"hm? you dropped your fork. is there a reason you haven't been eating too?"

"i-" you tried to start

"are you so helpless that you lack the capability of feeding yourself? it's surprising that you made it here in the first place if that's the case."

she makes you so nervous you can barely get a word in edgewise. the amount of time it takes you to muster the courage to speak is the amount of time it takes her to reach another assumption.

"its a pity you won't eat. i cooked this meat especially for us you know. caught it myself, though that's how it usually goes around here" she continued.

her statement seemed a little more docile than the previous. you peaked up a little at the immovable as she cut the meat with ease, and gracefully slipped it into her mouth. she must have felt you staring, as she glanced back at you as well, immediately causing you to look down.

"i- I'm sorry!!! i didn't mean to stare i just-" you started

"hahaha. what an odd reaction. this isnt one of fear after all is it? you're nervous aren't you?" ozen replied.

" yes ms. immovable. im sorry. the truth is,,"

you looked up again. she was looking at you with waiting eyes. eyes full of interest and anticipation for what you had to say.

"ive always been somewhat of a nervous person. especially around strangers.. and i didn't mean to neglect the meal. its hard to do much more than alert at the moment." you managed to get out

"hm." she hummed in reply

"that would explain quite a bit. however we are no longer strangers are we? ive invited you to stay and dine with me. i believe this pushes forward our relations, does it not?"

WHAT. DOES SHE MEAN BY THIS????  you wish you could ask but you quickly dismiss it. you fiddle with your food before giving a reply. to your surprise the older woman remains silent.

"at first, it was your prescence that put me on edge. but now, i think its your sudden hospitality that's uh made me feel a little anxious,," you say

"not that i don't like it!!! i just!! im not sure why this happened is all" you say honestly

she took a quick sip from her cup before setting it down.

"well," she started.

"perhaps it's been a long while since ive been interested in some folk such as you. you have amused me. that's why i asked you to dinner. and so far, you interest me more and more." ozen stated.

there's simply no way that you managed to catch the eye of such a stunning woman. she's delved deep through layers of the abyss, but still manages to find interest in you?? just who is this woman.

"th-thank you." you say looking down.

"hm? oh. haha. theres no need for a thanks unless it's for the food. but in that case you would need to eat some of it first, wouldn't you?" she replied

"sorry!! ill start right away"

and so you started munching away at your plate.

ms. immovableWhere stories live. Discover now