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Now, when you get out there, I want you to remember that God is your only savior. When life gets shitty on you, call on him, when youre happy, you still call on him—hes the only way to a better life kiddo, here and after. I know you don't see it right now, but just believe. Everything's gonna be alright. Now come, lets pray. Dear lord Jesus, thank you for inviting me to your beautiful forever home, thank you for inviting me to be a child of God, thank you for-.

The memory slowly fades into oblivion, stricken trails of salty tears on her cheeks from her eyes, fall uncontrollably. She swiftly wiped them off as her eyes began to sting and continued to play around with the salad in her bowl—hidden once more at the back of the cafeteria, in the dark.


Something she hadn't ever done since he was sent into intensive care. She never felt the need. Why pray when it'll all be in vain? God takes not give. Everyone she'd adored were all taken from her—her mother turned into a junkie, her father didn't think twice before leaving them, her only known father figure; probably dead by now. If he was really a savior and as great as everyone says, he'd have answered all her prayers by now.

All the tears shed cried wouldn't have left her eyes all those nights and left them swollen shut; he would've brought back everyone she loves, saved the ones who'd fallen for the devils dirty temptations and left them with tainted hearts. He wouldn't have taken her only anchors to this world.

Maybe then maybe then she'd pray.

A chair scrapes loudly against the floor from her side and she feels presence besides her. A girl sits on the chair by her, takes out her lunchbox and starts eating. Adara assessed her; shiny black-pin straight hair with red highlights, pale luminescent skin and a tall-lean physique.

She looked pretty even with the bold eyeliner lining her big hazel eyes and the astronomical freckles that covered the whole of her round face. Her sense of fashion suggested that she was one of those emo girls she saw around school sometimes, but she looked nicer.

Adara shifted in her seat, not liking the close proximity. They stayed like that for a minute longer, not one word spoken between them.

"The t-tables usually mine alone, n-no one sits here."  She stuttered out, breaking the silence between them. Some could say she was lonely, but honestly, she preferred being alone. The silence that comes with it calms her heart and mind, even though it still leaves space in her head for the bad things to start dancing around—at least that way she cant get close to anyone or even worry about losing them; hence it came as a surprise that the girl sat by her, more so noticed her.

"Well, I like it here too so, you'll have to share. Valerie, Valerie Montez."

Adara shyly smiled, going back to her food to try and eat so she could leave faster. "Do you not have a name?"  Valerie questioned, her English accent sounding stronger as she gave Adara a confused stare. Adara cleared her throat, setting down the fork she was poking her food with. She wasn't used to this—conversing. Valerie seemed out of her league and way too good to be true, but she answered anyway.

"I'm Adara."

"Well Adara, nice to meet you. Out of all the people in this cafeteria, you looked like the more decent one, but definitely the lonelier looking."  Valerie continued, even shifting in her seat so shes facing Adara.

Why would she want to talk to me? Aren't I disgusting? Zac never failed to remind her of all the bad things she was, giving her all the many reasons that no one would ever want to talk to her or even become her friend. So, why does she want to talk to her?

Lunch-break came to an end, the two only having been talking about their likes and dislikes. They went their separate ways, both having different lessons. Adara had other plans though, as she headed to the library instead, needing to feel a book in her hands and to lose her mind in another world after having to deal with so much already.


She sets down her third book, exhaustion sinking in as she sat back in the bean bag, breathing out a sigh. 1 more hour left before she has to get back to the hell hole, hopefully they aren't home today.

She closes her eyes, getting lost in her thoughts. Would it have been with her father there? Maybe he would have loved her wholeheartedly, spoiled her and maybe then shed feel ecstatic at the thought of home. Shaking her head, she clears all the depressing thoughts out. She goes to get up but immediately stops. The mysterious boy from yesterday stood before her, a weird look on his face as he stared down at her. She studied him more closely this time, like she wanted every detail about him engraved in her mind.

His height looked almost giant this close as he also a lean-muscular build hidden under his baggy clothes, his nappy hair in a messy state but it made him look more godly if that was possible, his face—it looked like it had been carefully carved so every feature was to look like pure sharp perfection, but also soft at the same time—his eyes still the same shade of cocoa she remembered, just that now they glimmered with something. A perceptible but undecipherable emotion.


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