Chapter 10

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Author's pov:

It was a really beautiful day , Amelia was a thirteen years old vampire,she was going to the moonflower field next to the beautiful lake,it was her favorite place,but this time something happened.
She saw a little boy crying.

"Are you okay? What happened?"

"No one loves me,they all hate me, it's not my fault,I didn't do anything"

"Here eat these cookies,I made them with my mom,by the way my name is Amelia Ambrosia,nice to meet you little boy"

"I'm not little, I'm 7 years old, I'm a grown up,and my name is Luciano,not little boy"

"Okay Luciano you are a grown up,now come with me"

"Where are we going?"

"Do you want to see my favorite place?"

"Is it beautiful?"

"Yes, it's the most beautiful place ever"

"Okay then,can I call you sister?"

"Of course,I will be really happy if you call me sister"
"WOW this place is amazing, it's so beautiful,the lake is shinning under the moonlight,the flowers are blooming and the waterfall looks so beautiful, it's like stairs for the moon to come down"

"So you like it?"

"YES, it's the most beautiful place I have ever seen,can I come here often?"

"Of course,we can come together if you want"


"Now come sit here,the view is better from here"

"Okay sister 😄"

Amelia's pov:

This little boy is so cute,but he is so lonely, okay from now on I will be here for him.


"Yes sister?"

"Can you tell me about yourself?"

"Okay but please don't hate me like others do"

"I will never do that"

"Promise? 🥺"

"I promise you"

"So I am a hybrid,born from a human mother and a vampire father, after my mom gave birth to me she died cuz it was to much for her,and my dad blamed me for mom's death,he always cuss at me and yells at me,I don't have any friends,they all call me freak and unwanted,they call me a curse and a bad luck,they throw rocks at me and they beat me everyday, I can't do anything since I don't have any powers, maybe because I'm not a full vampire, I'm always alone,no one loves me,they all hate me"

"Oh poor you,but don't worry from now on I am here,I love you,and you can come and play with me whenever you want"

"Really 🥺?"



"Why are you crying?"

"I'm really happy,thank you so much sister"

"Come here,give me a hug"

Like this every night Luciano and Amelia met and played together, Amelia even taught Luciano self defense and taught him how to fight.
Like this an year passed.

Amelia and her family transferred to a new place,it was next to the royal palace.
Of course they took Luciano too.
Now Luciano was like a part of her family,but they couldn't adopt him cuz his father was still alive.

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