Chapter 1

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This is my first time writing about vampires,but I was really inspired by someone so I decided to write a love story.

All the events come from my imagination.

Everything is from my imagination ,and of course the names are real but they have nothing to do with this story.

About the photos that I will use ,they will be from Pinterest.


Okay now let's move straight to the story.

"Tyler don't go into the forest,my mom said that it is dangerous"

"Amelia you always are scared to try new things,you are just a scaredy cat"

"Tyler even my mom said not to go to that forest, it's really dangerous"

"C'mon,not you too ,Elena please don't be like Amelia"

"Okay then go inside but if you die or if you get in trouble don't tell me that I didn't warn you "

"I won't,so wich one of you will come with me?"

"Not me"

"I don't want to "

"You girls are so scared"

Tyler went inside of the forest meanwhile me and Elena stayed outside.

"Will Tyler be okay?"

"Don't worry Elena,he knows how to protect himself,at least I hope so "

"What if wild beast attack him?"

"You go and ask for help "

"What about you?"

"I'm going inside to help him, it's getting very late,now the night has fallen,you go and asked for help,go quickly"

"Amelia it's dangerous to go alone"

"Tyler is here alone too"

"Amelia we are still children,we can go together to ask for help and then we can go and search for Tyler with other people"

"It will be to late"

"But what can you do?You are 10 years old for God's sake"

"Shhhh Elena don't cry please,now go"

I run inside the forest and the last thing I heard was Elena screaming my name.


It's so dark inside and the place is so creepy,I hope Tyler is okay, please God let Tyler be okay.

I'm running like crazy ,I don't know how long I have been running but then I saw a boy crying.



"Thank God you are okay"

"Amelia,what are you doing here?"

"You idiot,I'm here to save you ,now let's get outside"

"Do you know how?"

"Not exactly but if we keep walking I think we will be able to go home"

"Aren't you scared?"

"I am "

"Then why did you come to save me?"

"You are my friend"

After that we kept walking until some wolves were in front of us,they run towards us when someone attacked them.

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