Set Fire To The Rain - 2

125 7 18

It is about a man who rose to fame and realised what he left behind. Not a very good work. But Enjoy!


Going down,

the way I came.

Letting go,

of all the fame.

Hearing them,

call my name.

But I know,

it won't be the same.

Remembering the times,

when I had nothing,

the struggles I went through,

to sate my urgings.

I worked hard,

it was just a start,

I achieved everything,

It was just the beginning.

Remembering the times,

when I had everything,

how I got things

that I did not have before.

Like fame,

like a name,

like money,

like a honey,

like arrogance,

like ego.

But here I am now,

recounting my mistakes.

What I had,

and what I have.

Realising that

a family was better than a club,

a group of friends was better than flock of "well wishers"

innocence was better than arrogance,

I was better than what I am.

Now that I realised,

I am going to improvise,

I will break all the shackles,

I will right all the wrongs.

I will go down the same lane,

I will let go of all the fame.

I will clean the dirt off my name,

I will

Set Fire To The Rain!!

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