Act 2

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The next morning Roz dresses in warm clothes to go visit her neighbour.

Dr. Muno: Roz! How wonderful thank you for coming to see me again! Come in, come in

Dr Muno eagerly ushers Roz inside, Roz sits down and Dr. Muno climbs back into the bath

Roz: I'm sorry I still haven't managed to get in touch with my friend about your machine

Dr Muno: oh. Well please keep trying. Biscuit?
Dr Muno offers a biscuit, this time Roz accepts and bites into one. It still looks gross to the audience but Roz doesn't seem to notice.

Dr. Muno: Are you not too warm in all that?

Roz: yeah, I am actually, I thought it would be cold up her like it was yesterday

Roz shrugs off her coat but keeps the scarf, jumper and gloves on.

Dr Muno: It's far too warm up here for me. I used to love the warmth, I studied in India in fact, that's where I learned my trade, speaking of which, may I take another look at your leg?

Roz: of course

Roz sits up and Dr. Muno unfurls the bandage and takes a look, she ponders a moment before removing the bandage completely

Dr. Muno: there, all healed

Roz: what? Already?
Roz gets her phone out and uses her camera to check the wound. There's nothing there

Dr. Muno: I told you, I am an excellent doctor, can't you see?

Roz is astounded, still checking her wound in the camera
Roz: wow I didn't think that was heal a cut over night...that's insane!

Outside Rozs apartment, Roz comes down from Dr. Munos apt and sees Jay waiting outside. Jay cannot see or hear Roz but she doesn't know that, Jay is talking to herself.

Jay is knocking on the door, obviously annoyed

Roz: Jay! There you are I've been trying to get in touch-

Jay: Why are you never here when I need you Roz?

Roz: I was just upstairs, I'm here now

Jay: and you never answer your phone!

Roz: sorry I must've left it on silent

Roz checks her phone

Jay: for gods sake, Roz, I'm sick of this

Roz: woah Jay calm down

Jay: I'm worried sick, can you just stop ignoring me?

Roz: Jay...

Jay: Roz!

Roz: what?

Jay: forget it, I'm done trying

Jay storms off

Roz: Jay!

Roz goes to follow but Dr. Muno pokes her head out from the top of the stairs

Dr. Muno: Everything alright?

Roz: that was jay-

Dr. Muno obviously excited: has she come to fix my machine?

Roz: no, I don't know, she was really angry with me

Dr. Muno: oh dear. Why don't you come back inside?

Roz: I think I just need to be alone for a little while

Dr. Muno: you will come back tomorrow?

Roz: yes.

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