Act 1

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Apartment, Roz and Jay enter carrying boxes. Roz is wearing a rucksack.

Roz: Put it down there

Jay: is this all you've got?

Jay sets the box down on the couch and takes a seat next to it, during their conversation she takes things out of the box and admires them, scattering them around her and making a mess.
Roz: for now, the rest is in storage, I'll sort it at some point, I want to get settled in first before I start fiddling with the unimportant stuff

Jay: clothes are unimportant stuff now?

Roz: you know what I mean, I've got a few bits in there and in my rucksack.

Jay: well at least this place is nice, though it'd be better if you didn't live on the top floor.

Roz begins to unpack and put things away, including a throw blanket on the back of the couch.

Roz: I don't. There's one more above me

Jay: I pity them. Those stairs are a nightmare, my legs are killing me.

Roz: don't be dramatic youre 25 not 65

Jay sticks her tongue out

Jay: Hey, why do you have a crown?

Jay takes the crown out of the box and puts it on, she leaves it on for the duration of the conversation

Roz: It's from the panto I was in last year

Jay: I was gutted I wasn't in that one!

Roz:  You'd just had a baby, Jay, no one expected you to jump into a show!

Jay: I know but I'd have liked to, I love Sleeping Beauty.

Roz: They'll do it again in another few years, they always recycle them

Jay: yeah, that's true.

A silence falls over them, Jay is still making a mess and Roz trips on something she left on the floor. Jay is trying to hold back laughter.

Jay: nice trip?

Roz: I thought you were meant to be helping unpack not making a mess

Jay pulls a face

Jay: Do you want me to check your boiler while I'm here?

Jay stands and goes to the door

Roz: omg please

Jay: Through here, yeah?

Roz: yeah it's a shared one with the flat upstairs and below

Jay leaves and Roz shouts after her

Roz: thank you!

Roz is tidying up the mess Jay made, she doesn't notice the door to their bedroom open, it stays open for a minute and only fingers can be seen poking around the corner. Then it slams shut. Roz jumps.

Roz: who's there!?

When nobody answers, Roz sneaks quietly over to the door and opens it, but before she can see, Jay comes in and slams the door behind her shocking Roz and drawing her attention away, she does a little shout, however she still opens the door and the audience see a figure in the doorway. Roz shuts the door without looking.

Roz: Warn me when you come in! You scared the living daylights out of me!

Jay: Do you want me to stay over tonight?

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