Gelatin dream and nightmare

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Humanized and objects as heads?

3rd pov.

Gelatin : "Over slept once! Because I had a dream where I was in a church-"

Insert Gelatin in a church scene.

Gelatin : "-Purple face was being bathe."

Insert a white void scene.

Gelatin : "But a nightmare that involved barney the dinosaur crying holding a butcher knife and chasing after me while shouting "You don't love me anymore.""

Insert a kitchen scene.

Gelatin : "I was cooking Chinese food with OJ,He was upset that I was making 'Fried rice wrong' I kept shouting 'I'm not Chinese Oj! I dont know how to make-"

Insert gelatin looking out the window inside the house.

| X : "Don't go outside gelatin it's raining." Leaves him alone in the living room. |
| Gelatin : "Ok!" |

Gelatin : "There was a bad storm, And I go outside but all of a sudden a tornado comes down and is able to talk. And he had some problems he needed sorting out."

Tornado : "She took the kids..." :(

Insert a different scene where's its outside.

Gelatin : "I was trying to start a lawn mower,it was also my wife."

Insert a random room scene

Gelatin : "I whipped a sentiment toilet who had taken my family hostage out of the wall in a single person bathroom under a bridge in a golden version of Paris."

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