A confusing yet long scientific question

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What came first the chicken or the egg?
Some say it was the chicken some say it was the egg,But what created the chicken and egg first? If eggs came from chickens then what created chickens? Since chickens are descendants of dinosaurs how were dinosaurs made? Humans were created when dinosaurs were, like what if a t-Rex wasn't  named T-Tex and what if it didn't have small arms? God wasn't there before? Because the gods from Greek and gods from Roman weren't god before the dinosaurs. There wasn't even any human during the age of the dinosaurs we know of,Caveman were a thing during the ice age but the ice age happened after the dinosaurs quarter right? Were the sun and moon gods the first gods? Or were Dinosaurs created by small cells that came together? We don't know?! That's why it's still a question : Which was first the chicken or the egg?
We still don't know who was the first god or human,We don't know if Cells created animals from many many many many years ago! That's why everything is still a question! Like why is Salmon pronounced with out the L? Why put the L there but we can't say it?
Dinosaurs were created way before humans were. We don't know how they actually died so we? I know they died by a meteor but it that's true? Welp we still have to wait for the world,the galaxy,the gods to show us it's secret.
Also what if the gods history isn't what we think? Huh? How do we know what's true or not?

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