A Miserable Funeral

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The rain is pouring on this day. The air is humid, and the mood is dismal. Everyone in the Sakura Empire, and even Azur Lane, can feel it. Amagi's death hit many hard, with many looking up to her as a big sister, a role model, or perhaps having just known of her through such things.

Of course, none were hit harder than Akagi and Kaga. Even those not very close to them could hear Akagi's breakdown. Most people just avoided the mess that was those sisters, even despite their closeness to Amagi.

I'm with Atago and Takao, sparring with Takao while Atago cheers us on. I am waiting for Takao to make a move, standing still and waiting with my bamboo sword in front of me. Takao is holding the sword to her left in a stance oddly reminiscent of a blue jacketed fox..

"C'mon sis! Do something already!" Atago is getting impatient, waving her pom-poms more aggressively. 'Where did she even get those?'

"Now!" I look back at Takao, who is right in my face now. 'Crap!'

I raise my sword to block, only barely catching her blade with my own, but her strength overpowers mine and she drops my sword to the floor, before stepping on it to prevent me from retrieving it. She points her blade at my neck, letting out a quiet "kata" under her breath.

She pulls the blade away from my neck, and I pick mine back up. I turn to look at Atago, who is approaching us now. "Why did you have to distract me? I was finally gonna wait for her to move first."

Takao shakes her head at me, "There will always be distractions in a battle, you must learn to ignore them."

Atago wraps me up in a hug, "Yeah, and besides, where's the fun in being all quiet like you two? You should learn to banter more, and share how you feel!"

I smile a little at her antics, one that most may miss. "You mean like you?"

"Yeah!" She tightens her grip on me, squeezing me even tighter into her bosom. 'Can't... breath...'

She finally lets me go, and I take a gasp of air. Atago looks at me and Takao, before asking "Why did you two spar today anyways? I know you usually do so, but... the whole funeral later sorta kills the mood."

I shake my head, "I don't think so. From what Amagi told me, she would want us to continue on without her, not stop in our tracks for it."

Takao nods, "We should start heading to the funeral now."



I'm standing between Takao and Atago, with Mom behind me. 'It's crazy to think about someone dying, since we don't really age. Then again, with a constant war...'.

As the casket is lowered into the ground, I feel Takao's hand rest on my shoulder, 'Probably for her own mind, rather than my own.'

I see Akagi and Kaga across from us, with Akagi crying her eyes out, and Kaga trying 'keyword; trying', to not do the same.

'I remember Akagi. When I was younger, I was being bullied by a few kids, and she scared them off by accident. When she saw that I wasn't scared of her like the other kids are, she gave me some candy to cheer me up.'

Kaga says something to Akagi, and Akagi recoils before almost hitting Kaga. She has a look of despair on her face, before running back to her home. Kaga calls after her, but seems to be caught between staying at the funeral, or going after Akagi.

I know my choice. I excuse myself before following Akagi, finding her locked in her room.

'How should I do this? I could just knock, but that might seem weird that I followed her. Maybe I could say I came to give my condolences? No, I would just be at the funeral then. What else could I say? Ugh, this is stupid. Why did I follow her out here, to give her comfort? Why do I care?'

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