living with my new owner

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Reich pov

I was happy that the Karen left I really don't want to see here ever again im Lucky to have ussr as my owner then ussr gets a call and he asked if you can bring his new pet which they said yes then the call ends ussr said the meeting is tomorrow at 9 40 am then he picked me up and placed me on the couch then he asked me if there is anything I like to do when i get bored I said yes I like to draw and I'm very talented at it then he left to get a sketch book and pencil then he gave it to me then one of he I started to draw my kid Germany when he was little I still remember what he looked like he was 1 a year in his cat pajamas it took me about an hour and 40 mins to complete this drawing then ussr came into the living with two Bowls of soup he place the soup down and he told me to eat it and I did eat the soup it tasted delicious after we where done eating and putting are dirty dishes in the sink ussr picked me up and carried me to his room the I asked why am I in his room then he said that all the guests room have to much stuff and it would take weeks to clean when he was done talking he place me on he bed then he left to go change I curled in to a ball of scales then ussr got in the bed then fell asleep so fast when I woke up I was freezing cold I looked at the time and I see it's 1am in the morning so I decided to cuddle with ussr for some warmth and heat he was so warm

USSR pov
I woke up and I looked at the time its 5:49am in the morning which mean we have 4 hours and 30 mins when I see Reich cuddling me for warmth I assume I gentle shook him to wake him up for the meeting when he woke up he looked so cute when he woke up I got dressed and went down stairs with Reich on my neck when we got down stairs I asked Reich what's would he like for breakfast he said bacon and eggs I started to cook bacon and eggs for me and Reich when i was done cooking I grab two plates and placed both are meals then I placed the food on the table and started to eat I told Reich he has to have a muzzle on but no shock collar and he has to be in a cage when we get to the building for the meeting Reich seems nerves but I told him everything is going to be okay When we where done it was about 7:40 am we have have 2 hours left untill the meeting starts where watching tv when Reich started to fell asleep then he put his head on my lap and fell a sleep he looked so cute he was like that for about an hour 30 mins which means that he well have to leave now I woke up Reich and told him we well have to leave now then he took his head of my lap I got up and walked to the kitchen on the table is where the muzzle is on I grabbed the muzzle and I walked towards Reich he seems scared i told him that I won't let anyone hurt him then I put the muzzle on him then I got the cage and Reich just slithered in there then I put a blanket to cover him for a suprise I carried Reich to my car I opened the door and placed him in the then I run to the house to Locked then I ran back to the car I left the blanket so Reich can see that it's going to be okay it's 8:40 I started to drive towards the building where the meeting is when we got there I put the blanket over him so they can be surprised to see my enemy as my pet I got out of the car then closed the door then I walked to the other side to get Reich I closed the door with my foot then i Locked my car then I started to walk towards the building I took the elevator *time skip* when we got the the meeting "can you please remove the cover ussr so we can see your new pet" asked UK I placed the cage on the table and uncovered Reich when everyone saw him Reich started to shake uncontrollably then started to whimper "why is he shaking"asked America I took Reich out of the cage and put him on my neck "why are you letting him out he is a monster he will coil around you not trying to strangle you "ussr" yelled UK then Reich wrapped his tail around my chest "Uk when I adopted Reich a Karen came in and saw Reich and she said I would like to adopted her please aka Reich but the worker said that Reich is a boy not a girl and that he is all ready adopted said then her kids kept pulling on Reich tail when I told the Karen to get her kids of my pet she refused and when I scared her kids she yelled at me then when me and Reich left she followed use to my house and broke in my house to look for Reich and to take him away from me of course I pressed Charges on her" I said

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