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USSR pov
Everyone was shocked that I adopted Reich even though we are Enemies but I think he changed.Reich was on my neck snuggling his head into my chest when Russia was walking towards us Reich saw Russia coming to us then Reich started to shake more and more when Russia was coming closer I had to clam Reich down because I don't want him to be scared of my son whisper"Reich my son won't hurt you I will make sure of it okay"okay said Reich when Russia was close to us then"can I feel Reich scales?"Asked Russia then I told him that he has to asked Reich "uhhh r-reich am I allowed to touch your scales and if it's okay if am I allowed to hold you" then Reich said yes he can touch Reich scales and I told him is is allowed to hold Reich

Russia pov
I was able to hold Reich he seems like he doesn't want to leave my dad side so I decided to stay next to my dad so Reich can feel safe with me there was a empty chair next to my dad I decided to sit next to him I'm still confused why Reich is not trying to strangle me to death and when Reich was on his neck I asked my dad if Reich has a shock collar on and he replied no because he won't hurt him when Reich realized that I sat next to my dad he calm down then I started to touch Reich's scales they had beautiful colors had a family tree I think that is his family I wanted to take off the muzzle but it has to saty on for a good reason so Reich doesn't try to bite one of us Reich has sharp teeth with two fangs on the top of his mouth then I asked my dad if Reich is venomous or poisonous but my dad said that he doesn't know that if he harmless or venomous or poisonous when my dad told the people that when the Karen and the cops where at his house Reich turned his tail into legs and the Karen and her kids kept calling him princess which he is a male not a female and when he turn back into a naga he slithered to my dad my dad think that Reich feels safe with him and only him if Reich is with someone else he would shake a lot,if he is not near ussr then all of us where shocked then I pointed out that Reich as a family tree on his scales including him and his kid German when Eu wanted to see the the family tree that is on Reich scales Reich started to shake like he was sacred that Eu would rip his scales of him "umm Eu I think Reich is scard of you ripping his scales off him and if he is not next to USSR he will start to shake a lot so ussr will have to come towards you or you come to him" I said then dad got up and I gave my dad Reich then dad walked up to Eu to let him see the family tree "wow Reich scales are beautiful good eye Russia and it looks like a German family tree there it two versions one Normal and on with the same tree but with there cross out? Reich can you explain the other family tree?" Asked Eu showing the pictures on the screen "okay the one with the red and white and black is my dad Reich triangle and my grandfather Prussia he had black wings and my twin brother but his neck snapped when he was born and there is me and 2 of my kids are gone from this world,there names where East and West Germany and there is Germany who is alive and the one's with cross over them which means there no longer Alive and its only me and Germany"Reich said I felt really bad for reich to lose his two kids "umm Mr Reich how old where your kids when they die" asked ukaine "they were only a mouth old not even a year old when they die,actually they where murdered by my leader and he will abuse me and sometimes r*pe me" reich said everyone was shocked about what Reich said even UK who thought that Reich was a monster
USSR pov
I got Reich back and I walked towards the couch and yes we have a couch in the meeting Reich curled into a ball which everyone was looking at him with a aww look on there face even me with a aww look on my face"wait a minute how did you get rapped when you have a tail?!"asked nato Reich poked his head out" sometimes he will force me to be in my country human to rape me or rape me in my normal from"Reich said after he was done talking he started to shake uncontrollably "I couldn't even fight him because if I did he will kill my kid and he kept threatening me to kill my kid if I don't do what he says Reich said

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