Chapter 1

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There's something about falling in love with your best friend that makes you feel completely helpless. Do you speak up and possibly destroy your friendship? Or do you stay quiet and hope they never fall for someone else? I have no idea what to do.

I throw my blankets over my head and curl up into a small ball under the covers. I feel completely lost. Theodore Brooks, Theo to me, is my best friend and I'm in love with him. It's a complete disaster. I can't tell anyone. All my other friends are friends with Theo or are totally crushing on him. My parents would tell his parents and they'd most likely tell him. If I tell Theo, I think my world might end.

And now, I need a subject change. My alarm starts to go off, but I don't even move. Who cares about school when you're stressing about slipping up and ruining a seventeen year old friendship that had already been through the ups and downs? Is this how I'm going to spend my morning; picturing each possible outcome of my choices? Yeah, no. Can't do this. I will drive myself crazy

Instead, I lay there and focus on the commotion parading through the house this morning. I can hear someone in the kitchen and someone on the stairs. I can hear Theo's voice downstairs as well. There's no way it's seven forty-five yet. How will I get ready on time now? Why do I have to be such an over thinker? Can't I just-

"Cass!" my door swings open and Theo's voice calls my name.

My name's Cassandra, well Cassie, but Theo's the only one who calls me Cass. Another perk to having a best friend. Fun nicknames. Though, when you fall for the best friend...

"What?" I mumble.

A second later my blankets are thrown off of me and Theo's standing right next to me.

"It's seven thirty-five." he says.

"So." I glare, "I still have ten minutes."

"You're going to school in your pajamas without brushing your teeth?" he grins, "Someone get a camera."

I stick my tongue out at him and he laughs. I roll out of bed and go to brush my teeth. After I spit out the toothpaste, I brush my hair and I smile to myself. I can't help it. Even if he thinks he's just a friend to me, Theo is always so sweet...and now I sound like a lovesick teen.

When I go back into my room, I see Theo has made my bed and found clothes for me to wear. I feel a little embarrassed when I see that Theo has even found me a bra, but at least it was a plain one, not one of the ones hiding in the back corner of my closet. I wait for him to leave and when he doesn't, I give him a judgy look.

"What?" he frowns.

"Do you plan on watching me change?" I ask, holding up the clothes.

"Oh." Theo picks my backpack up and leaves the room.

I swear his cheeks were a little pink. I smile as I change into black leggings and a blue crewneck. When I'm dressed, I open my door to see Theo waiting for me. He's looking down at his phone and I take it out of his hand.

"Messaging cute girls?" I joke, trying to keep the situation light.

"Nope." Theo grinned, his dimples showing. "Can I have it back? We need to go."

"Just let me grab something to eat."

I hand his phone back to him.

"Too late. I got something for you. You slept in too long." Theo says, tossing me an apple and a muffin.

I catch both of them and stick my tongue out at him again as I start to head downstairs. I call out goodbyes to my parents and my younger brother, Aiden and head outside.

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