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[Moments later the whole Autobot group along with the three humans are driving in the bridge in New York.]

Leo: This guy, Robo-Warrior, everything about anything alien, he's supposed to know. One time we revenge-hacked his site and maybe I saw some of your uh, alien drawings or whatever.

[They arrived at the meat store. Sam and Leo gets out of Bumblebee while Michael gets out of Cliffjumper]

Leo: This is it. Yep. Deli. Good front!

Sam: This place gives me odd feelings.

Michael: Yeah, so be cool.

Leo: All right, wait here. I'll give you the go/no go. All right?

[Leo goes in the store and finds an old friend].

Seymour Simmons: Number 42, we got your kishka, knish, kasha-varnishka and kreplach combo right here. Cash only. Who's next?

Tova Fischer: I told you to cure the lox in the brine and then smoke it.

Seymour Simmons: Ma, you want me to cut my hand off, or what?

Tova Fischer: You- You ruined a beautiful piece of fish, you retard!

Seymour Simmons: I'm like a ninja with a blade. It's an art form.

Tova Fischer: Give me your money. Get out of here!

Seymour Simmons: [Stops an old man] Hey, Sal! Watch your reach, huh? [To Leo] Take a number, young man.

Leo: Robo-Warrior. Know him?

Seymour Simmons: I never heard of him.

Thomas: You never heard of

Seymour Simmons: Uh? You must be talking about that amateur-hour blog operation with Game Boy-level security.

Thomas: Robo-Warrior. [Michael and Sam went inside.] It's him! It's him! That's the guy right there! That's him!

Seymour Simmons: [Sees Michael and Sam.] No.

Sam: You got to be kidding me.

Seymour Simmons: All right, meat store's closed! Everybody out! Out, right now!

Tova Fischer: When he says to go, you go.

Seymour Simmons: That means you, lady, right now.

Leo: Wait a minute. You know this guy?

Sam: We're old friends.

Seymour Simmons: Old friends? You're the case that shut down Sector Seven, got the kibosh, disbanded. No more security clearance, no retirement, no nothing. All 'cause of you and your little criminal brother.

Tova Fischer: Moron! Where's the whitefish?

Yakov: Hey! Don't touch me with the pig.

Seymour Simmons: Yakov!

Yakov: What?

Seymour Simmons: You don't get Christmas bonuses standing around! You want those new teeth you saw on SkyMall?

Yakov: It's my dream.

Seymour Simmons: Help her out.

Michael: You live with your mama?

Seymour Simmons: No, my mama lives with me. It's a big difference. They got your face all over the news, alien boy.

Sam: Yeah, we know.

Seymour Simmons: And NBE One's still kicking, huh? How did that happen? Don't answer. I don't know what you're hiding, but I don't want anything to do with it. So, good-bye. You never saw me. I got bagels to schmear. Vanish.

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