Kai ~

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Your eyes meet with Kurenos. Those beautiful hazel eyes that you'd blamed yourself over and over again for leaving this earth. You run into each others arms. Wrapping each other in a warm embrace.

Tears fall from your eyes, taking in the warm pine scent from his clothes. You squeezed him so hard he had to tap you on the shoulder to loosen your grip a bit. You two pulled away, sniffing being exchanged. "How're you here!?" You wipe the falling tears from your face, placing your hand's gently back onto his shoulders. It was like your body somehow knew that if you let go, he'd disappear, he'd be gone from your life again.

His expression turned to a sad one. "Kureno? What's the matter?" Your expression turned to a worried one. "Kai."

You came running around a corner. Ducking and hiding behind a big pot. "Y/nnn~" you heard Kai sing. You put your hand over your mouth to stop yourself from laughing. Trying to calm down your heart and your breathing. Foot steps could be heard from in front of you when "BOO!"

"AHHHH" your leg moved out from under you and hitting Kai's leg causing him to drop. Kai stayed on the floor laughing, holding his stomach from laughing so hard. "You should've seen your face!" He kept on laughing. You stood up before walking away. Kai stopped laughing, watching you walk away in confusion. "What're yo-" "BONK!" "OW! WTH Y/N!"

You smiled Cheerfully as you walked to go pick up the pillow. "That's what you get." You exclaimed. You crossed your arms, pillow in hand, turning your head to the other side. Kai looked at you won't a "really" face which you ignored. Once you did look at kai you both started to burst into laughter. You joining him on the floor. Both your heads ending up next to each other. Before you fell asleep with your head on the same pillow you hit him with, and that pillow laying in his lap. Kai brushed your hair behind your ear, kissing you on the forehead.

To say The Phoenix and their holder have a bond with of gold was an understatement. They were soulmates. Everyone of them. The Phoenix looked out for The Holder. And The Holder looked out for The Phoenix. You both had that bond. When something was wrong he was the first person you went to. You really do have the bond of soulmates. You really do love each other. And you'd always hope you'd have it forever.

Your hands dropped to your side. "No, no" you took steps back away from kureno, covering your mouth. Times when Kai would hold you and tell you it wasn't your fault over and over. How things would fix itself eventually.

Sobs started to escape from your mouth. Kureno looked like he wanted to say more but couldn't find the words. Turning around you started heading for the hills. Behind you in the distance kurenos voice disappearing slowly, being replaced with a ringing in your ears.

'Kai! Kai! Kai!' You shouted desperately in your head for an answer from your companion. Radio silence. You picked up speed. Begging for the portal to pop up. With Kai not answering you, it was harder to get the portal to show up where you wanted it to. Running up the vast amount of stairs to the big sacred tree you and Kai would spend time at the most. You got to the top, the portal waiting right there for you. Jumping right into it, sliding down the white foggy tunnel, to falling onto the soft blue carpet. Immediately standing up you look around. Hatori was no longer on the big white couch and kai was no where to be seen.

"Kai! Kai!" You brought your hands to your mouth, screaming his name getting more and more desperate with each word.

You walked into Kai's room. 'The letters..' there on his desk was all the letters Haru wrote and Phoenixes before her, but there were a couple more now. 1 stood out to you. All the other envelopes were white or yellowish from behind so old. The envelope was blue, signed in green ink was you and Kai's nicknames for each other.

To: My Partner In Crime
From: Your Partner In Crime

Reaching your hand out you grabbed the letter. Taking a deep breath before opening it.

Words ~ 739
Next Update: Not Sure

Hello beautiful people! As you can tell I'm planning to end this series. It's been more than a year of The Phoenix and though I love this series I don't have many more ideas for it. I've got more series in the making fortunately. But I've been trying to hold onto this one for as long as possible. So sorry for the long awaited post. But I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Thank you so much for 20.4K everyone! Couldn't have done it without you ❤️Till next time everyone!

Cherry20084 Aka,

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