"You Must be Tohru Honda?" ~

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"Excuse me" you move past shigure who's still frozen at the door. You move past him and see yuki.
"Oh, look at how big you have gotten" you say, starting to squish Yuki's cheeks. "We're the same age, are we not?" yuki said confused. You completely ignore what he said, replying with "mmm I wonder what that crash was" turning your head to the sliding doors.  You let go of Yuki's face and started to walk to the sliding doors. You opened the door to see kyo, a girl, and a smashed plate. Your face scrunched up into a disappointed look. Kyo finally saw you after a good minute of you just standing there. "Y/n, what are you doing here?" He asked you. "Mmm well a little birdie told me that there was a girl staying with you guys. And I wanted to meet her. You must be Tohru Honda, you're so cute" you  smiled at her.
"Who are you!? Ooo are you another zodiac, oh wait don't tell me" Tohru stood up. "No, I am not a Zodiac. I am Y/n Sohma, I am part of the head family of the Sohmas. In other words, Akitos sibling" you said.
  You could see the fear in her eyes. You could tell what she was thinking. "Oh, hunny you don't have to worry about me. I am not in anyway like Akito. In fact, we get in fights a lot... mainly about the Zodiacs. But you don't need to feel scared around me" you gave her a reassuring smile. You could see her relax, the fear leaving her eyes. "Also, there is a better explanation on to why I am here, but I think Shigure can explain that one better than me" you glare over to Shigure. "So Shigure would you mind tell them why I'm here" you crossed your arms. "I don't know why you're here" Shigure said. "Mk sure" you turned around.

"I came here because I heard about Tohru Honda that no one told me about, Cough, cough Shigure" you held your hand to your mouth like you were coughing.

"Akito told me not to, and how did you find out." Shigure squinted his eyes at you. "I overheard you and Akito" you glared back. 'Sh*t probably shouldn't have said that, too late to take it back now' you thought. "Oh, so you were eavesdropping on me and Akitos conversation huh?" Shigure asked. "Yup I was" you said with no shame. "Mmm I might have to tell Akito" Shigure said. "Ok go ahead, Akito will be mad at me, but I mean she always is" you said and shrugged your shoulders.
   Yuki came into the room fully and said "You really are a stupid cat, why would you break one of the plates Miss. Honda bought just last week" yuki said holding the bridge of his nose. "Who are you calling stupid!?" kyo yelled standing up. Then Kyo and Yuki started to fight.
  "Oh, you don't know how much I missed them" you smiled softly. "You missed this?" Shigure questioned with concern. "Mmm no not as much, but it makes me realize they are still here and ok" you answer smiling.
"Yeah" Shigure said.
   You looked at Tohru and saw she was freaking out. You walked over to her and put a hand on her shoulder scaring her a little. "Oh, sorry didn't mean to scare you, but don't worry they will get over it" you said and gave her a reassuring smile. When you looked back up you saw as yuki knocked the cat into the pond. You chuckle and let go of Tohru shoulder. You started to walk over to Kyo. "Maybe you should give him a break ever once in a while yuki" walking past Yuki you pat him on the back. "Well maybe if he wasn't such a dumb cat," you just laughed in response. You paused, looking at Yuki. "Oh Yuki, looks like you both have changed a little" you said. "What do you mean?" Yuki asked. By the time he asked you had already walked over to Kyo.
  You put a hand in the water and grabbed Kyo by his shirt. You got face to face with him and clicked your tongue lightly, (if that even makes sense). "What?" he said looking defeated. "You know what Kyo" you said. Kyo lifted an eyebrow. "No, I really don't" he said. "Wow you really are a dumb cat; well since you can't tell you fought in front of a girl. Not just that but she was clearly worried. I know you two have fought in front of her before. Do it one more time and it will be the end of you and him." You squinted your eyes at him. He didn't say anything. "Oh, I'm just kidding... maybe. But stop fighting in front of the poor girl. You'll worry her to death." You pulled him out of the water. I'll go get you a towel" you proceeded to get him one.
    "Hey, Shigure, where's the towels..." you said as you opened the door to his room. "Why is it such a mess Shigure" your shoulders slumped over. "Umm" shigure said. "Whatever, where are the towels?" "They're in the bathroom as always" Shigure finally spoke.
"See now was that so hard! Thank you for your help!" you gave a sarcastic smile.


You all were sitting down at the table eating. "Mmm this is some of the best food I've ever had, you did a great job Tohru!" "Thank you" Tohru smiling. "You're welcome Tohru" you smiled back.  "Y/n you will be sleeping in Tohrus room" Shigrue said. "Ok sounds good" you said putting rice into your mouth.


"Hey y/n, Akitos on the phone. She wants to talk to you" yuki said peeking around the door. "Ok I'll be right there" you got up. You got dressed making your way downstairs.
  You picked up the phone. "Yes, what is it Akito?" You asked. "I heard what happened" Akito said. You stayed silent. "You know better than to ease dropping on my conversations" Akito says. "Yeah, I know" you bite your lip.
   "I want you to come home now, if you don't you know what will happen" Akito said. "I am coming don't you dare do anything" you hung up. "Shit" you whispered under your breath. "Shigure, we need to talk" you were pissed. "Oh no" shigure said. You and shigure go into his room. "How could you tell Akito. I told you not to tell her!" "I didn't tell her!" Shigure said.
   "Nice try Shigure I know damn well you told her" you pointed at him. "Fine I did, she was wondering where you went" he said. "Did she threaten anything?" "No" Shigures head was down. "Shigure I am going to ask you one more time. Did. She. Threaten. Anyone. Or. Anything." You say to him. "Yes... she threatened to hurt Momiji" Shigure lifted his head. "Alright that's it" you left the room. "Hey where are you going!" shigure yelled at you. "Back home, I'll be back in a couple days!" You flung Shigures door open. "Welp, I guess there's going to be another fight...again" you said sighing.

Words ~ 1209

Thank you so much for reading. If you couldn't tell I post ever 4 days. So, the next post will be July 18th. I hope to see you there. (I do not own any charters featured in this story).

Thank you and sincerely,

Cherry200841997 Aka,


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