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Emma's car approached the hospital's entrance verification gate, she noticed that another vehicle was already in line for verification. With patience, she waited her turn, leaning her head against her hand resting on the car window. The spring weather had a freezing touch today, making her shiver slightly.

Her attention was drawn towards two men engaged in a conversation near the gate. One of them was a familiar face—the hospital security guard she saw every day during verification. However, today, he seemed different, his facial expressions and tone suggesting that he was answering questions rather than performing his usual duties.

To her surprise, standing beside the security guard was a police officer diligently taking notes in a register. Emma observed their interaction, sensing a sense of urgency and seriousness in the exchange. It was evident that something unusual was happening, and her curiosity was piqued even further.

As she watched, another hospital guard approached the police officer, joining the discussion with a similar air of urgency. The scene before her hinted at an ongoing investigation, raising questions in her mind about the events that had transpired in the hospital.

Emma's intrigue grew, and she couldn't help but wonder what had occurred to prompt such a response. Her mind raced with possibilities, and a sense of concern began to envelop her.

Her attention was diverted by the sudden pop-up sound made by the security guard, signaling her to proceed. The car in front of her had already entered the hospital premises, prompting her to swiftly maneuver her car into place and come to a stop.

The security guard leaned forward, gesturing for her card. Emma quickly reached for her purse in the back seat, retrieved her card, and handed it over. Recognizing her as a regular, the security guard smiled and said, "You're good to go, Dr. Martin's. Park safely." He handed her card back with a warm familiarity.

"Thank you," Emma responded warmly, taking her card back. "I'll keep that in mind." With a sense of relief, she continued on her way, her mind still mulling over the intriguing scene she had witnessed earlier.

As Emma proceeded to the hospital's entry gate, she made a quick U-turn and noticed some burnt, blackened paper fluttering on the road. The gust of wind carried the ashes further away, leaving behind a surreal sight.

Navigating the hospital premises, Emma's eyes widened with concern as she noticed a plethora of police cars, ambulances, and firefighter vehicles scattered around. The presence of emergency vehicles and personnel added to her confusion and worry, leaving her pondering about the events that had transpired.

She continued to drive slowly, carefully observing each vehicle and taking in the seriousness of the situation. The sight of so many emergency responders in her usual parking lot heightened her sense of unease.

Finally, she reached her regular parking spot, but the familiar comfort she usually felt was replaced by uncertainty. With a deep breath, Emma parked her car as stepped out of it, she securely locked it and stowed her keys in her purse, which she slung over her right shoulder. The hospital surroundings were eerily quiet, wrapped in an aura of tension that sent shivers down her spine. Taking a deep breath, she turned to walk further into the premises.

As she moved forward, she couldn't help but notice an ambulance parked beside her car. Through the window, she caught a glimpse of a man attached to various medical machines, indicating the monitoring of his heartbeat. His face was entirely concealed by bandages, and an oxygen pipe was secured to his throat. The sight sent her breathing into overdrive, her mind unable to process the sudden shock.

Emma's heart pounded in her chest as she recognized the patient in the ambulance. It was none other than the new patient she had been assigned yesterday. She vividly remembered the distinctive band on the man's hand, and the realization hit her like a wave of distress.

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