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Hello guys! I'm back with another chapter. This is more of a 'filler' chapter and how I think the new Haddock family would spend their holiday. I didn't include the execution in the last chapter as I personally don't like that type of gore in stories I read. Anyways, hope you enjoy this chapter! 


Zephyr was surprisingly smart for her age, and that's why when she was drawing in her sketchbook in her bedroom after lunchtime, her father burst into the room without warning, announcing that she was going to be spending the rest of the day with her grandparents and aunt, she knew something was wrong.

He was normally working at this time, so it was a strange thing that he was even here. Plus, it was almost Snoggletog, it was less than two weeks before it, which is the busiest time for her father, with preparations all around the village for the holiday and for the devastating winter, which would be coming shortly after. He shouldn't even be home, which was certainly strange.

Her father was worried, he was frantic, stumbling his words, pacing quickly, and he wouldn't stop doing the shoulder thing that mom always makes fun of him for doing. And understanding that her father was worried for some reason she decided to not argue and listen to his instructions while he took her to the guest rooms where her grandparents and aunt had been staying for the last few days.

After her father had left her with her grandparents, she played games with them, listening to stories of her parents from when they were younger or messing around with her 'Auntie Anna'. She even got to play outside in the snow and build a snowman she named Olaf. She joined the other kids who were having snowball fights. Slowly forgetting about her father's worried state.

Eventually, when it was nearing dinner time, there was a knock at the door. Anna quickly got up from her seat at the dining table, where Zephyr had been sitting nearly for an hour while her grandmother Ingrid tried her best to feed her some beans. She looked at her aunt opening the door to reveal Hiccup. Zephyr immediately sat up in her seat excitedly when she saw him, he had a huge smile on his face contrasting the worried expression he wore when she last saw him.

Zephyr was excited! She was going to be a big sister! Everyone around the village for the past few months would come up to Zephyr and talk to her about being a big sister and how exciting it was that she was going to have a baby brother or sister. But now, everyone was suddenly so nervous! This was like an early Snoggletog present!

"How is she?" Granny Ingrid asked her father as Granpa Havlor and Granpa Stoick both walked over to congratulate her father, why were they congratulating her father? Had they won the war? Hiccup steps into the room and holds out his arms, and Zephyr rushes into them, allowing herself to be picked up by her dad.

"Hey, Zeph!" he exclaims, pressing kisses to her cheek, "Astrid is fine. Tired but fine... You all could come with Zephyr to meet him."

Hiccup chuckles upon seeing Zephyr's mouth drop. "I have a baby brother?"

Hiccup laughs. "You do, Zephyr! Do you wanna go meet him and see your mother?" he asks her while Zephyr nods violently. He leads her and her grandparents towards the Emperor's room.

Was her little brother going to like her? This was all she could think about in her tiny head as she held her father's hand. She was nervous. She was a big sister now. Her mom and dad had told her that it was a big responsibility. And now, after months of waiting, she was finally going to meet her little brother.

Her father entered the room and pushed the curtains aside to reveal her mother seated on the bed, her long hair messy and out of its usual braids. She looked exhausted, but she had a smile on her face as she gazed lovingly at a bundle of... blankets?

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