Tommy- Granddaughter

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This was another cryptic pregnancy request. Enjoy!
Trigger warning- teen pregnancy

I've been sat in my dad meeting now for the last hour, feeling sick and having stomach pains. As the meeting goes on the cramps get worse and worse. Im not even sure why I'm even sat in here listening to the family business since I'm only 16.
I'm no longer paying attention to what anyone is saying. I've never had cramps like these before
"YN what's wrong?"
"Sorry dad. Just don't feel to good"
"We're nearly done" I nod my head replying to my dad.
Another 20 minutes later and dad says I can leave and head up to bed
"How are you feeling?"
"Like shit"
"You, Uncle John, Uncle Arthur and Uncle Finn swear all the time"
"Yes but your a lady and"
"Aunt Polly swears" dad sighs
"I'm heading to London now. I'll be back tomorrow evening. Will you be ok here with Aunt Poll?"
"Yeah. I'm sure I'll be fine by tomorrow"
"Ok" dad leans down and kisses my forehead before leaving me alone to sleep off whatever is going on.

That evening I barley eat anything and now Aunt Polly is getting worried
"I'm ringing your dad"
"No it's fine. I'm sure it's just my monthly finally starting"
"Finally?" Polly questions
"Yeah I've missed the last 3 months. That's why it's super painful" I give Polly a shrug
"I swear that mother of yours hasn't taught you anything. Honey that's not how periods work. Yes they can not be regular but 3 months is a long time. These pains what are they like?"
"Erm it's like somethings squeezing my inside then releasing it. Like bad cramps"
"Sweetheart have you had sex?"
"What?" I frown looking at my Aunt
"It's ok if you have, hell only knows what I was doing at your age"
"Polly what's happening?" Worry starts to set in
"You need to answer my question first"
"He said that I wouldn't get pregnant the first time. Said that it was ok"
"Who?" I shake my head not wanting to tell her "YN who told you that?"
"James, he was my boyfriend"
"After we... he broke up with me"
"Polly I'm not pregnant am I?"
"I think your going into labour" panic sets in. I can't have a baby now! Dads going to go mad "it's still early on. Try to get some sleep and I'll check in with you later"

Try to sleep she said. Easier said than done. Now it's the following afternoon, my waters broke 2 hours ago and now Aunt Ada has arrived with Aunt Esme and dads wife Grace is now here
"Ok YN looks like your ready to push" not really thinking about it, my body takes over and I have to push. Grace places a cool wet rag on my forehead while Esme and Ada are gathering warm water and towels
"Grace. You gotta make sure dad doesn't kill me"
"He won't. He's not going to be impressed that he's a grandfather, but he will fall in love with them where they're here"
"Im scared"
"I know. I was scared when I had Charles, but your going to be ok. Your in the best hands. Promise" with that she takes my hand and I push again.

After being in labour for over 24 hours I finally give birth to a baby girl who I've named Eloise
"She's beautiful" Grace coos stroking the babies cheek. Before I can respond the door opens and dad walks in. He stands shocked staring at me
"Grace please tell that baby is ours" he finally says "or Esmes"
"Tommy you might need to sit down"
"Grace, who's baby is that because I know that's definitely not my daughters" I wince hearing his harsh tone. I look at Esme for help but she looks at me with sympathy
"YN how can you be so stupid!" He yells waking the baby up who starts screaming
"Let me have her" Ada says taking the newborn out of my arms and into hers. She leaves the room hushing the little one
"Out! All of you out!"
"Tom..." Grace tries
"Out!" everyone leaves the room leaving me and dad alone
"Why didn't you tell me. I could have helped you get rid of it"
"Her names Eloise"
"I don't care. My 16 year old daughter just had a fucking baby"
"Dad I didn't know"
"Of course sex leads to pregnancy did you not learn from me and Grace?"
"I'm sorry" I quietly say. Ada comes back into the room with a now quiet baby. She hands her back to me while dad paces back and forth
"How stupid could you be?"
"Maybe if she had a mother she'd have known all of this?" Ada mumbles
"Don't you dare blame me for her mother leaving"
"I'm not I'm blaming her. Either way you now have a choice, either except that you have a granddaughter or loose both you daughter and granddaughter it's your choice" Ada leaves the room again. Dad walks over and sits on the sofa next to me. Without giving him a choice I place the baby in his arms. Immediately I can see how my dad is in love and I know will protect like he has me. Just got to stop him from going on a warpath finding the dad.

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