Tommy- Old Love Pt2

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3rd Person POV
YN walks out of the bar taking her son from Polly and carrying him out with her. Tommy hasn't moved since she has walked out. Micheal, Tommys cousin looks around at the Shelby family confused
"What's up with him?"
"He saw his ex wife again with his son" John replies looking at Michael
"Wait Tommy was married to her? Why'd he let her go she was...."
"Thank you Michael that will be enough" Tommy snaps out of his trance and makes his way over to Arthur "what she doing back?"
"I sent her a letter"
"Why? She doesn't want anything to do with me. She made that pretty clear the last time I saw her"
"She was in a rough place then Tom"
"Yeah? She seemed fine packing up her shit and walking out"
"Maybe you should talk to her. You don't know what she's been going through"
"Oh and I suppose you do?" Tommy turns towards his older brother "what were you doing in there?"
"Talking. You need to talk to her. If not for your sake but for that boys. You have a son Tommy and you've been acting like a fool"
"She made her bed. She can lie in it!"
"Thomas Micheal Shelby" Polly places her hands on her hips, not happy with how her nephew is speaking about the mother of his child "you once loved that woman. You loved her enough to marry her and have a child with her. Have you ever thought about how you have effected her? Hum? That little boy is 3 years old and you've barley been in his life. Have you ever tried to talk to her?"
"Polly she chose to leave I didn't ask her to?"
"No maybe not with those words. But you were so in your own head that you didn't notice that she was being starved of love and affection. She was struggling, but you put your own problems in front of hers. You flirted with Grace in front of her then when she left and you got divorced you slept with Grace"
"To get over her. I loved her Poll"
"Loved? Or love? Tommy" and with that his aunt leaves the pub leaving the Shelby brothers and Micheal alone to think about everything she hand just said
"She's right Tom you still love her" John pats his older brothers shoulder
"Whatever John" Tommy shrugs his brothers hand from his shoulder and he goes to get himself a drink.

Seeing Tommy again practically breaks my heart, do I want us to be a family again? Of course! But I also know I need to look after myself and my boy
"Mummy why doesn't daddy love us anymore?"
"He does love you baby, daddy just struggles to show his love"
"I miss living with daddy"
"I know you do. I do as well" I sigh and carry Charlie to my parents house where we're going to be staying while we're here. I open the door and the smell of my mums cooking envelopes my nose
"YN love your home"
"Hi mum"
"Nanna" Charlie shouts. I put him down and he runs to his Nan
"Hi sweetheart, grandads in the garden digging up the vegetables"
"Ok" Charlie runs off to help my dad
"Have you seen him yet?"
"Yeah" I reply following my mum into the kitchen
"How is he" I shrug
"Not sure. He doesn't remind me of the man I married"
"The war ruined a lot of families. It took your dad a while to be well again"
"I get that mum I do. I bit my tongue, but cheating on me was to far mum"
"Polly told me that he never slept with her, not while you were his wife. When you left he got worse"
"I still love him but I don't know what to do"
"Talk to him"
"Your not the first person to tell me that today"
"YN you have both gone through a lot since you got married"
"He was selfish mum"
"Haven't you been a little selfish as well YN?"
"What?" I frown at my mum
"Well you didn't talk to Tommy about anything, but you expected him to understand that something was going on? YN you took his son away. Your both in the wrong for what's happened between you"
"Your right" I sigh
"Mummy, mummy look I got a potato" Charlie comes running into the kitchen holding a potato in his hand
"Woah that's amazing. Do you want it for your supper?"
"Can I?"
"I'll start boiling it" mum takes the potato from Charlie and starts peeling it.

Peaky Blinders Imagines✔️Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon