*Soldier Keep On Marching*

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Contacting the Jedi council, Holograms of the council appeared.

"Master Ti, Anakin. You've arrived then?" Mace questioned.

"Indeed Mace. The Kaminoans don't seem to hold the clones in a very high regard when it comes to who they are, but otherwise little issue." She replied.

"Could you explain?" Ki-Adi chimed in with his own question.

"The Kaminoans don't seem to view the clones as beings, rather they see them as objects, disposable ones at that."

Anakin nodded along.

'this is true Anakin?' Obi-Wan asked through the force.

He'd been elected to the council following the death of master Poof.

'It is. They are rather...despicable.'

Obi-Wan's hologram showed a frown.

"Wrong, that is. Living beings, with their own personalities, and unique signatures in the force, they are." Yoda spoke.

Having recently been on a mission to Rugosa with three of them, Thire, Rys, and Jek, he'd quickly picked up on the fact they were all very different as individuals, which is what made them work very well as a large unit or army.

"The belief is not shared here. I suspect something else is going on here though, something they are not telling." Shaak Ti added.

Plo Koon spoke up at that.

"I have heard Wolffe mention decommissioning."

All other council members froze momentarily.

"What do you mean by that?" Master Gallia asked, looking a bit surprised.

"To put it bluntly, if the clones don't live up to expectations, they are put out of their misery." Plo replied grimly.

Anakin frowned but said nothing, quickly calming himself.

"Ridiculous! They are human beings, they aren't feral animals!" Kit Fisto exclaimed, uncharacteristically angry.

He was elected following the death of master Trebor on Geonosis.

Shaak Ti hummed.

"Anakin and I will look into this. If this is truly going on behind the scenes, we will put an end to it." Her voice made it clear that they would.

Mace nodded.

"This could be why Fett requested our aid on Kamino. If so, then I agree. If decommissioning is occurring, uncover it, and end it as quickly as possible, if it means arresting the prime minister in the process and many others, then so be it. It is our responsibility as Jedi to uphold the rights of life, such as the clone troopers."

All council members agreed.

Obi-Wan stroked his beard.

"I'll be deployed to an area just outside of the Rishi moon shortly. Should you require any aid, I will join you."

Shaak Ti nodded.

"The offer is greatly appreciated, master Kenobi."

After that, the transmission to the council was ended.

"Anakin, go find Jango Fett, question him on the matter. Meanwhile I'll do some digging on my end." Shaak Ti told her former student, knowing he'd accomplish his task.

He bowed in respect.

"Of course master, this shouldn't take long."


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