*Kenobi's fury*

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Obi-Wan sat in his chambers.

Everything was a blur.

It all happened so fast he almost wouldn't believe it happened.

Qui-Gon was dead, that was sadly true.

He heard whispers that Dooku, his master's former master, had left the order and fallen.

Master Aria Wurhui was apparently dead, struck down by Dooku.

Ugh, this was so much.

There was a chime, signaling someone was at his door.

"You may come in."

The door opened.

In walked a Togruta master, one he knew as Shaak Ti.

He'd only seen her around a few times, but he knew how kind she was and how caring. The younglings and padawans absolutely love her.

"Master Ti." He greeted kindly, bowing a bit in respect, a gesture she returned.

"Padawan Kenobi."

He could sense she didn't come here for any kind of small talk.

"Is there something you need master Ti?"

She shook her head.

"No. I came to inform you of the council's decision, pertaining to Skywalker."

He listened more intently.

He prayed Yoda had listened.

He owed it to his master to train the boy.

"They have decided he will be trained..."

Obi-Wan was getting a sinking feeling.

Only solidified with what she said next.

"They decided that I could take on his training, and I accepted."



They'd...really gone behind him like this? Really?!

No, he'd promised his master he would train Anakin, he'd promised that yo Anakin himself.

No offense to Shaak Ti.

"Before you release your feelings, may I finish my thoughts?"

Obi-Wan nodded, feeling in need of an explanation that it seemed only she would give him.

"I admit, I don't like that they had gone behind you to do this. However, I also understand their view that you are not prepared for a student yet."

She sighed before continuing.

"While I am taking on Skywalker as my next student, I want you to be involved as much as possible. You are someone he is very comfortable around, and I will not take that comfort from him, nor will I take the promise you made to your master from you."

Okay, this had him surprised.

Meaning he could still see the boy on a normal, hopefully daily basis?

He'd still have a hand in his training?

He understood the part of him being inexperienced, but still.

Honestly, he was grateful master Shaak Ti had come to him with this, knowing most Jedi wouldn't have done so.

He was also grateful she was letting him have a hand in Anakin's training despite the fact she would be his master.

Safe to say he had a new higher level of respect for her.

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