.unfamiliar. scared. helpless.

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"ughh, owww"
I wake up and slowly open my eyes in a unfamiliar place . Im not home,  Im not at a friend's house, Infact, I dont know where I am...
Once I realized Im in no way familiar with my surroundings I immediately sit up but wince with a sudden shot of pain in my head.
"FUCK" I yell. I turn my head and see gustav sitting in the corner. He seemed to be asleep. I look the other way and see a balcony. Hm, I should go out there. See if I recognize outside. as soon as i stoof up i realized Im in a t-shirt and spandex shorts. Definitely not what I was wearing before I ended up in this place. Who changed me? Omg. What if it was a man? What if they took advantage of me? So many thoughts race through my head. As I made my way to the balcony I heard a voice behind me.
"Where do you think you're going?"
I got startled and stumbled almost falling to the floor. I turned around and saw Tom
Oh my God.
I scream at Tom in pure fury as to why he would do this. gustav quickly gets up and holds me back from charging at Tom. "i dont wanna hurt you.. please calm down" gustav whispers to me

"scream at me one more fucking time. I dare you."


I get cut off from a strong impact against my cheek causing me to turn my head. I stumble back and turn my head back to Tom in pure shock as to what he just did. Gustav looks at me dissapointed.

"Wanna raise your voice at me again?"

I feel tears swelling in my eyes. I take a few steps back bumping into the wall. Tom follows as he took a few steps forward.
His face was inches from mine as I felt his warm breath on my face. I felt my arms gain goosebumps.

"Don't you ever think you can talk to me like that again"  he demands
im not gonna show my weakness infront of Tom. ill fight forever untill im out of here.

"AND WHY THE HELL NOT?" I yell once again.

Tom grabs a handful of my hair and brings my head forawrd then bashed my head into the wall so hard i get dizzy.
I stumble to the side and slide down the wall and sit on my bottom.

"learn to behave. your punishment will be worse next time. now go get ready, i have to go take care of something and i dont trust you on your own"

I don't know who the hell he thinks he is. Why would he kidnapp me? Why the fuck does he think he can slap me? then order me to get ready? I'm sure I'll get out of here soon. Analia is probably so worried...

I hear Tom yell out obviously talking to me. I'll Fucking kill him.
I analyze my surroundings both trying to find the stairs and figure out ways I could go for an escape route.
I find  the stairs and made my way down. "Took you long enough bitch"

"Who the fuck do you think you are calling me a bitch"

"What did you say to me?"

"I said who the f-"

I got cut off before I could finish my sentence. Tom had bashed my head into the wall so hard once again  I blacked out.

I wake up from my slumber that Tom had intentionally caused. Im in the back seat of a car . i realize its Toms I recognized the car and the only reason I do is because of When he forced me to ride with him during a race. Suddenly I got flash backs of him holding my tleg while he was driving, and him whispering into my ear. I gained chills just thinking about it. . I discover that slut that had tried to fight me was in the car with him. Tom has his hand on her upper thigh. Fucking disgusting. Somehow I feel something forming in me.. jealousy? No. He's a fucking bitch who I wish would get ran over by a semi 50 times then cut apart and fed to wolves.

Her Mafia Secret | TOM KAULITZ| |TOKIO HOTEL|Where stories live. Discover now