03 || A Date To Remember

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Three weeks had slipped by in a blink, Jade found herself immersed in the vibrant milieu of university life. Despite the initial lack of companionship, she demonstrated an innate ability to adapt swiftly to her new surroundings- the city, her home, and the university.

Jade returned home from university earlier than usual one day. She had completed her assignments and found herself yearning for some company.

Her solution?

Spend quality time with her brothers.

"Jade, did you know that you are my favorite among my siblings?" Stephen queried, and Jade could sense the impending mischief, yet she was drawn into the conversation. Could it be a mistake to step out of her room? Her mind raced, but she found herself nodding in response to Stephen.

"Would you be so kind as to buy me an ice cream? Our father isn't giving me allowance this week." Jade knew it was a lie, and Stephen knew she knew. But the game was on, and she was ready to play.

"Alright, champion. Let me just fetch my jacket," Jade responded with a smile, making her way upstairs. She wanted to give Webner some time to prepare, having caught a glimpse of him hidden behind the wall.

Upon her return, Jade found Webner waiting for her, his face lighting up with a smile. Jade extended her hand toward Webner, their fingers intertwining, and together they stepped out of the house. She led Stephen and Webner to a nearby store, returning with a tub of ice cream and a bag of chips. Their little date took place in the park near their home; a serene setting for their bonding time.


It had been four months since Jade embarked on her University journey, and amidst the sea of new faces, she found a friend named Damien. Their paths crossed at their University, and since then, they had been inseparable. However, their bond was more profound than just friendship; they harbored feelings for each other, and were too shy to admit.

One day, Jade, who usually sat up front in class, found herself in the back row due to a throbbing headache. As she focused on the teacher, the door swung open, and a tall handsome stranger walked in. His dark hair was styled in a casual yet attractive manner, and his piercing blue eyes scanned the room before landing on Jade.

"Excuse me, I apologize for my tardiness," the stranger declared, drawing a nod from the teacher. He then made his way towards Jade, taking the empty seat beside her.

"Hi, I'm Damien," he introduced himself, to which Jade responded with a simple, "Hi,"

A couple of minutes later, Damien spoke again, "Your voice is so soft, do you know?" Damien was intrigued by Jade's unique tone and couldn't stop himself from complimenting Jade.

"I know, thank you," Jade replied, slightly blushing at the unexpected compliment.

"Let's be friends," Damien proposed, a grin tugging at his lips.

"No," Jade's heart raced as she felt a sudden urge of fear and confusion. Why would someone want to be friends after just a few minutes of interaction?

'That's weird. The handsome. No not handsome. I mean he is. Uh? What was his name again' Jade's mind was racing, trying to recall Damien's name.

A soft chuckle from Damien drew Jade's attention back to him.

"Why not? How old are you?" Damien asked her while resting his face on his palm and facing Jade.

"16, and you?" Jade answered truthfully.

Damien's eyes widened slightly, and he seemed to be contemplating whether to reveal his age.

LOVE OR THOUGHTS | Book 1 || The Softest Petal of a Blue RoseWhere stories live. Discover now